The markings are for no particular kit but will apply to any of the available 1:48 Sherman kits from the new Tamiya to the older Bandai/Frog/Fuman and resin kits and updates from Gaso.Line and others.
The sheet is well printed with excellent colour register with the carrier film cropped close to the printed image and while the film is slightly thicker than what you will find on Microscale printed decals such as those from Bison Decals it is not as thick as with Tamiya kit decals and should react well with most decal setting solutions.
The markings give you the basic vehicle markings of the allied star, any nickname or vehicle name as well as tac signs on the French and British vehicles plus a selection of data stencilling seen on Shermans for the D-Day or Italian landings with some quite colourful markings included.
A small stapled booklet all in colour has three view illustrations of each vehicle featured on the sheet to give a basic painting guide and to show the decal placement plus another showing the usual location of the data stencilling.
The illustration vehicle outline is the same for each vehicle so don't worry that M4A4's look the same as M4s or M4A3s they are just a guide to the decal placement and not meant as a guide to the vehicle details as there is some alterations and additions needed on some to represent the model correctly.
The markings included on the sheet are: (Descriptions as per instruction booklet)
A very useful and well printed decal sheet with plenty of options and colourful schemes which will allow many different model to be built from the same sheet and it's best to check references for the details applicable to each Sherman type listed.
Highly recommended for 1:48 vehicle fans.
Gaso.Line kits are available from
Thanks to Gilles and Olivier of for
the review sets.
Page created 12 March 2005