It is best to fully assemble the kit bogie units and allow the glue to dry before attaching the etched skids as this gives you more to hold onto as well as allowing the small join seams on top of the bogie units to be filled once you have cut off the plastic skids.
The flat etched skids have to be bent to shape and for the rear bends there are partial engraved bending lines included so you can bend these in the right place. The larger front bend is a little trickier as there is no indication given as to where to start the bend and you can use the kit skids as a guide to the appropriate shape. Even so you will need care to get the bend in the right place and using a 2mm drill bit as a jig to bend the skids around worked well.
Once you are happy with the bend contours the next trick is to get all six skids bent to the same profile and this again will require care but once you have done the first one you should know the right place to apply the bend and the rest should come easier?
Cutting off the kit skids is very easy and as mentioned you can fill the top join seams on the bogies before attaching the etched skids and the four retaining bolts with a small dab of cyanoacrylate.
A fairly simple update for the Tamiya M4/M10 or any Sherman kit in 1:48 for
that matter that gives a far better scale appearance to the track skids but
care will be needed applying the front bend to get a good result.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to Jan from Hauler Shop for the review set.
Page created March 7, 2006