The barrel is a resin reproduction of the Tamiya kit barrel with the inclusion of the canvas muzzle brake cover but unfortunately there are a couple of large casting scars in two places at the breech end that extend nearly half way down the barrel and actually distort the detail at the first barrel junction.
This will result in a decidedly oval shape to the barrel after eliminating the scars and the best solution if you want a canvas cover on your muzzle brake would be to cut off the resin cover from the barrel and add to the kit barrel as the seams on the kit barrel are less work to eliminate than the scars on the resin part.
Also included is a small canvas cover for the hull machine gun and this has a small casting block and some minor resin film to be removed and this fits over the outer part of the ball mounting and while it is hollowed out on the inside you may have to trim either the resin part of the kit ball mounting to get a snug fit.
Another case unfortunately of the aftermarket item not being as good as the part it is supposed to replace in regards the barrel and unless you absolutely need a muzzle brake cover on your barrel it's probably best to stick with the kit barrel but using just the two canvas covers will get a result.
Thanks to my Credit Card and to the guys at Rainbow Ten for their excellent service.
Page Created 25 March 2005