There is virtually no cleanup needed on the links with just some thin resin film to be cleaned out of the lightning holes in the guide teeth and the occasional minor resin residue along the link lip plus the occasional very small air hole which go unnoticed on the assembled track runs.
The detail is again excellent on the links with open lightening holes on the guide teeth and crisp details on the end pin details and it’s a shame the inner pin is mostly hidden and not easily seen on the finished kit as this is especially well done.As with previous WWII Productions track sets there are two pins on each link, one large and one small that fit into corresponding holes in the subsequent links and assembly is very simple and quick which is the same as with the Early Tiger I tracks in set #48001.
Simply slip one link over the larger pin and applying slight downward pressure on the next link clip this over the smaller pin with light finger pressure and that’s it with the assembled links articulating freely.
I also found that the assembled track runs did not tend to come apart when being handled under normal conditions as some snap together links tend to do and this makes the tracks even easier to use.
Another superb set of resin tracks with crisp detail which are very quick
and easy to assembly after the minor cleanup and are far better detailed
than the kit vinyl track for a much improved appearance of the finished
Highly recommended
The tracks are available direct from:
WWII Productions
PO Box 100 Waratah
NSW 2298
Phone 61 2 4967 3205 (from inside Australia 02 4967 3205)
Fax 61 2 4967 3207 (from inside Australia 02 4967 3207)
or in the US from M&Models
Thanks to Bill from WWII Productions for the review
Page created 15 July 2005