The Photo Journal of the Second World War
Issue 4
Ampersand Publishing.
96 pages soft cover.
The Book:
This is
the fourth in the series and continues the same formula of good close-up photos
plus wartime photos. Many of the photos are one to a page which allows the
to be clearly seen with the large photos. Each page has brief descriptions
at the bottom of each picture.
Contents of issue 4:
Schwere Panzerspähwagen 8-Rad Armored Cars:
21 pages of wartime photos giving some good diorama potential. Covers variants
Sd.Kfz.231 (8 pages), 232 (4 pages), 233 7.5cm (6 pages) and 263 (3 pages).M32B1 Sherman Recovery Vehicle:
8 pages with some excellent close-up details as well as some wartime photosSherman Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV) Mk I/Mk II:
6 pages for 7 photos giving good coverage of the vehicle from each angle showing the external storage to good effect. Followed by 11 pages show off the MkII ARV with the large format photos showing many details.M18 "Hellcat" Tank Destroyer:
25 pages again with 14 pages with a single photo on each of Hellcats in action,
again great diorama potential, the final 11 pages are close-up detail shots
of a preserved Hellcat with some turret interior shots as well.Panzerselbstfahrlafette V "Sturer Emil":
11 pages of this unusual vehicle with some wartime photos as well as close-up
shots of a museum Emil.Panzerbefehlswagen IV:
This is the command version of the standard Panzer IV Ausf.J and has some great
close-up shots of a museum vehicle.7.5 cm Gebrigsjäger 36:
4 wartime photos of this gun give only a glimpse of some details.10cm Leichtgeschütz 40,40/2:
Again 4 wartime photos , but do show some good details of the gun.
In all another great issue of this series, which are becoming a must have reference series.
Thanks to Ampersand for the review copy.
to help the reviews continue, thank you