The Photo Journal of the Second World War
Issue 9
Ampersand Publishing.
96 pages soft cover.
Review by Terry Ashley
The Book:
The ninth in the series continues the same formula of good close-up photos
plus wartime photos. Many of the photos are one to a page which allows the details
to be clearly seen with the large photos. Each page has brief descriptions at
the bottom of each picture.
Contents of issue 9:
Heavy Mortar Gerät 040:
19 pages which show in detail a loading sequence of Karl Gerät No. VI "Ziu".
These shots show excellent details of the shell being loaded as well as the
breech and recoil box, the loading tray and one good shot of the lower hull.
There are also some good shots of the Munitionsschlepper built on the Pz Iv
chassis.Examination of these shots show many of the details missing from the Dragon Karl kit just released and will go a long way in helping you decide if you want to add these details to the kit.
PanzerJäger I:
23 pages on the PanzerJäger I with 13 pages of wartime in-action shots
plus another 10 pages with excellent close-up detail shots of a museum PanzerJäger
I. These show details of the gun as well as many exterior details.Sd.Kfz.10 1-ton Halftrack:
26 pages with again 13 pages of wartime in-action shots plus another 13 pages
with excellent close-up detail shots of a preserved 1-ton. These show many details
of the vehicles both inside and out.Steel-Treadway Bridge M2:
12 pages of wartime photos of this unusual sublect showing the bridge being
lowered into position as well as in transport mode.Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.A::
8 pages with some interesting shots of the early Panzer IV, mostly wartime shots
with a few detail shots included.Type 97 'Chi-Ha' Medium Tank:
7 pages of captured wartime vehicles showing some nice details of the hull and
In all another great issue of this series, which are a must for serious armour fans.
Thanks to Ampersand for the review copy.
to help the reviews continue, thank you