The Photo Journal of the Second World War
Issue 11
Ampersand Publishing.
96 pages soft cover.
Review by Terry Ashley
The Book:
The eleventh in the series continues the same formula of good close-up photos
plus wartime photos. Many of the in action photos are one to a page which
allows the details to be clearly seen with the large photos while the close-up
detail shots are usually four to a page, still large enough to clearly see
the details. Each page has brief descriptions at
the bottom of each picture.
Contents of issue 11:
15cm Schwere Panzerhaubitze auf Geschützwagen III/IV (sf) "Hummel": (Pages 2 to 15)
his sections features entirely wartime action photos of the Hummel included
a couple of the interior with the crew in-action. A good general coverage with
some nice diorama possibilities.Allied Crawler Tractors: (Pages 16 to 42)
This large section has entirely wartime shots of the various vehicles but they
are all semi-close-up to show some excellent details as well as diorama possibilities.
The vehicles covered include the International Harvester TD-18 and TD-19
and the Caterpiller D7 in various configurations with the unarmoured and
armoured versions shown and the Caterpiller D8. The majority of the photos
are of the D7 with the un-armoured and armoured versions shown from all angles
with plenty of details for anyone wanting to model these vehicles.Kradschützen and Kradmelder at the front: (Pages 43 to 56)
The German Motorcycle Kradschützentruppe consisted of various Kradschützen
(squads) with sidecar motorcycle combinations and single motorcycles. The images
here are all wartime action shots and feature the typical BMW R11, R12, R75
and Zündapp motorcycles but the photos are more notable for the details
of the crews and equipment carried on the motorcycles. The photos are entirely
from the European/Russian campaigns and provide some good diorama possibilities.Wartime Sherman Variants: (Pages 57 to 73)
M32 Recovery Vehicle (pages 57 to 62). Photos are all wartime action shots
that provide some good details of the vehicle in use.Sherman DD (pages 63 to 69). Has images of the DD in-action so you don't see much else apart from the screens, some raised and some lowered.
Sherman M4 Dozer Tank (pages 70 to 73). Some interesting shots of the Dozer tank in action, again some good diorama possibilities.
Cargo Carrier "Weasel" M28, M29, M29C: (Pages 74 to 96)
Features entirely wartime photos of the Weasels but the photos are all good
semi-close-up to show some good details included a few with interior (driver's
position) details. As well as the details there are again some excellent
diorama possibilities in the photos.
In all another great issue of this series, which are a must for serious armour fans.
Thanks to Ampersand for the review copy.
to help the reviews continue, thank you