The Photo Journal of the Second World War
Issue 12
Ampersand Publishing.
96 pages soft cover.
Review by Terry Ashley
The Book:
The twelfth in the series continues the same formula of good close-up photos
plus wartime photos. Many of the in action photos are one to a page which
allows the details to be clearly seen with the large photos while the close-up
detail shots are usually four to a page, still large enough to clearly see
the details. Each page has brief descriptions at
the bottom of each picture.
Contents of issue 12:
Sturmtiger in detail: (Pages 2 to 20)
A detailed coverage of the Sturmörserwagen 606/4 mit 38cm Raketenwerfer "Sturmtiger" with
photos of captured vehicles in situ and in museum collections. There are also
some photos showing the loading of a shell from the ground to the inside of
the vehicle using the built in crane as well as many interior and exterior
close-up shots to give an excellent coverage of the Sturmtiger. Many of the
photos have appeared in previous publications but if you don't have access
to any of these this collection will be all you need to detail any of the kits
available from Italeri and Tamiya in 1/35 or the huge 1/16 kit from Verlinden,
not a bad selection of kits for a vehicle that only saw 18 built.GMC Dump Truck: (Pages 21 to 36)
This section has mostly in-action shots of the Dump truck in use during and
after WWII. The photos are all semi-close up and show the vehicles to good
effect as well as some nice shots of various power shovels of the time with
some good diorama possibilities. There is also two pages with close-up detail
shots of the Heil Hoist and chassis detail.M3 Scout Car: (Pages 37 to 50)
A good general coverage of the White Scout car with all the photos being semi-close
up of vehicles on training excercises including some interior views.M10-M36 Tank Destroyers: (Pages 51 to 84)
This section again has entirely semi-close up action shots of the M10 and M36
in NW Europe during WWII. The photos show to good effect not only the vehicle
details but the storage of equipment but mostly this article will be useful
for the many superb diorama possibilities in the photos.Krupp Boxer light truck: (Pages 75 to 96)
This final section again has all in-action shots of the Boxer showing the general
arrangement of storage and fittings. The Kfz.69 and Kfz.70 are mostly featured
and as these are the versions in the Tamiya kits the photos are very
applicable and again show some good diorama possibilities.
In all another great issue of this series, which are a must for serious armour fans.
Thanks to Ampersand for the review copy.
to help the reviews continue, thank you