Issue 38
Published bimonthly by AFV Modeller Ltd.
64 pages soft cover A4 format.
Review by Jon Bailey
Topless T-34 By Patrick Winnepennickx 1/35 Page 2-11
A strait forward build of a recovery T-34 as seen in an Afghanistan junk yard.
DML T-34-85 base with Modelkasten tracks and a couple of Aber sets provide good detailing and give the model some life. Nice weathering with a couple of good tips. This is an ideal beginner’s conversion if you’re looking for something a bit different.
No base or figures.
Past Panther By Sam Dwyer 1/35 Page 12-21
This is one of the best ‘brewed-up’ vehicles I’ve ever seen. Really well thought out application of paints and pastels to give that rusted burnt/flaking zimmerit/lowered torsion bar look. Sam used the DML Panther Ausf. A as a base with a few Verlinden items (transmission and turret traverse motor) and a great deal of scratch building. Good series of photographs showing the painting method. Some excellent techniques demonstrated and described. Simple base no figures.
Stalin’s Target By Adam Wilder 1/35 Page 22-32
Using the Trumpeter KV-1, Frulimodel tracks and Aber etch sets to create a knocked-out vehicle on a bed of home made brick rubble. A truly impressive use of the ‘hair-spray’ technique and soldering iron for battle damage. Adam certainly has a remarkable finish but I think more brick dust next time? More excellent techniques demonstrated. Detailed home made rubble base, one figure.
Bergpanther Flak By Staf Snyers 1/35 Page 33-41
This is an amazing build of a Bergpanther based on a long shot photo from the wars end. The vehicle can be seen sporting a field mounted 3.7cm flak.
Using a DML Panther Ausf. A, the CMK Bergpanther set and Tamiya 3.7cm with a load of scratch building this is an impressive bit of work. Good progress photographs showing the interior and his seat-back detailing jig. Fortunately there is a part two with more details to come.
Xtreme Detail Page 42-49
Saumur’s Panzer II Ausf. A-C
Timely walk around photo-essay of the restored Panzer II Ausf. A-C on display at the French Tank Museum for anyone building the recent DML Panzer II Ausf. F.
40 useful shots (all exterior) showing running gear, turret and external details to good effect but like all restored vehicles extreme care should be taken as many fittings are new fabrication and not original (the perforated exhaust cover for example).
Keeping Track Page 50-57
Recent releases.
Hetzer By Luciano Rodriguez 1/48 Page 58-64
OOTB build of Tamiya’s small Hetzer. Well built and displayed on a ground work base with singe figure although I’m still not sold on the scale. No aftermarket so it shows what can be achieved with what you get.
Well worth reading the articles (i.e. don’t just look at the pictures) as there is considerable information in this edition.