This issue is
broken into three large sections.
The first 4 pages have colour profiles of Panzer IV cam schemes.
PzKpfw IV Ausf.H/J
(pages 5-70)
This section is made up almost entirely of WWII in-action photos of the Pz IV
H/J in the last two years of the war in Europe. The exceptions are four pages
of detail photos showing close up turret details and two side view plan drawings.
The photos give a good coverage of the different configurations these vehicles
appeared in during this period as well as markings and cam schemes. There are
also a number of shots of destroyed vehicles as well as many diorama possibilities
in the photos.
M26 Pershing
(2) (pages 71-107)
Part two on the M26 is made up entirely of in-action photos of the Pershing
in the ETO and Korea. There is also some shots of development vehicles as well
as a couple of the M45. The Korean shots include some of the M46 as well as
the M26, a good overall coverage again giving good diorama potential.
Railway Artillery
1914-1945 (1) (pages 109-143)
This section provides coverage of Railway guns of WWI. It features the big howitzers
and mortars used by Great Britain, France, Germany and United States during
WWI. At least one photo (often more) is included of each weapon featured, with
the text in Japanese, I can't give any more insight than this, sorry.
This issue has less close up detail than usual but still has useful content.
Available via mail order from Rainbow Ten in Japan.
Page Created 18 November 2002