This issue is broken into three large sections.
Schwere Panzerjäger Nashorn (pages 1-87)
This section starts with four pages of colour profiles on Nashorn cam schemes
followed by numerous wartime in-action photos. There are also many detailed
close up photos of museum Nashorns showing exterior and interior details as
well as some wartime close up shots of the interior with the crew in action.
Intermixed with the detail photos are detailed line drawings to supplement what
is shown in the photos, this really helps to clearly see the details.
The detailed photos and drawings cover the whole vehicle from the outside hull details to the interior fighting compartment and gun. Four different rear hull/exhaust configurations are shown in the drawings.
This coverage is more than enough to keep modellers happy.
German AFVs in Russian Service (2) (pages 88-113)
This continues the series with more interesting shots of Panzer IIIs, Stug IIIs
plus Panthers and halftracks in Russian use, all are wartime photos obviously
and offer some interesting markings variations.
Railway Artillery 1914-1945 (3) (pages 114-145)
Part 3 of Railway guns. It features wartime in action photos of the large and
larger German Railway guns of WWII. This continues the coverage of the guns
from part 2 and while there are some semi- close up shots most are overall type
Another superb issue of this magazine especially if your looking for details on the Chaffee.
Available via mail order from Rainbow Ten in Japan.
Page Created 12 January 2003