book Ground Power Magazine #108 - 5/2003
Published by GALILEO Publishing Co.,Ltd.
2-2-13 Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

This issue is again broken into just two large sections.

PzKpfw IV Ausf.A-D (pages 5-75)
This provides a detailed coverage of the Pz IV Ausf.A-D with many wartime in-action photos of each variant. Many of these shots are semi-close up and show some good details. There are also drawings of the gun mounts and other details for each vehicle as well as 1/35 four view plans of the A,B,C and D.
The final 6 pages have close-up detail shots of a museum Ausf.D showing good details around the hull and turret.

T-62 (pages 76-145)
There are many in-action shots of T-62s on excersize as well as excellent close-up detail photos including the turret interior and exterior. Many of the action shots are semi-close up to give good details and all of this is complimented with drawings of the turret interior gun mount, driver's station and internal and external fuel tank arrangement.

A short section at the back looks at the add on armour packs as fitted to the T-55AD, T-55AM, T-55MV and AMV(reative armour) and the T-62M, T-62MV with added turret armour.

Available via mail order from Rainbow Ten in Japan.

Page Created 13 April 2003

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