This issue is again broken into three sections.
M1025 HMMWV (pages 1-18)
A topical inclusion no doubt due to the release of the Tamiya HMMWV kit,
this short section has some colour interior photos as well as numerous interior
detail photos of the Mk19 armed HMMWV and should prove useful as reference
for the kit. There are a few in-action shots of the M1025 in Bosnia and the
Gulf with some storage layouts which again show that nothing is standard
when it comes to the real thing.
MAUS & E100 (pages 19-84)
This section is a detailed coverage of the Maus and E100. There are many production
line photos showing good details as well as photos of the vehicles on the
test track. There are turret interior shots of the Maus as well as some detailed
external shots, this is complimented with many excellent detail drawings
showing the gun mount, ammo storage and exterior mantlet as well as interior
layout of the vehicle and of the suspension layout.
1/50th four view plans are included for the "production" Maus.
The E100 is treated in much the same manner with vehicle layout drawings
and a number of shots of the prototype under construction and as recovered
by US troops at the end of then war.
T-72 Soviet Tank 2 (pages 85-145)
This is part 2 on the T-72 and covers the A, B, M1 and M2 models as well and
ERA fitted vehicles. Again there are many in-action shots of Russian vehicles
on exercise. There are some detail shots of the M2 model fitted with
the latest ERA suit and the T-72AG with some good turret shots. A brief mention
is made of the T-90S with a few photos which is basically the latest
reincarnation of the long serving T-72.
Available via mail order from Rainbow Ten in Japan.
Page Created 18 July 2003