This issue is broken into five sections as below.
Euro Satory 2004 (pages 1-35)
This section all in colour has images from Operation Telic with six pages of
Challenger 2 pics, with others featuring the AS-90, Warrior ICV, Scimitar
and Landrover. Quite a few of the images have been seen before in other publications
and on Websites but still may be new to some.
German Rocket Projectors of WWII (pages 17-86)
This large section has detailed images of German rocket projectors of WW2,
the Sd.Kfz.4/1 15cm Panzerwerfer42 auf Sf (Maultier) is extensively covered
with many wartime photos and detailed close-up images of a preserved vehicle
as well as three side view 1/35th plans and a couple of images with the launcher
on the sWS chassis. The Nebelwerfer 15cm and 21cm versions are also covered
with again many wartime action photos showing the loading and firing sequences
as well
as shots of support vehicles such as the Sd.Kfz.10/2 and Sd.Kfz.11/4.
The 28cm and 32cm Wurfrahmen close-support rockets are also shown in various
ground mountings both wooden box and metal trailer mounts which are also
shown being towed behind Sd.Kfz.10s and transported in Sd.Kfz.11/2 vehicles
well as mounted on the Sd.Kfz.251/1.
The most exotic rocket projector, the Sturmtiger is also featured with a
number of interior shots, all of which have been seen on other publications
and finally there are a few photos of the rearer 8cm Raketen Vielfachwerfer
auf Sf (Maultier) for an overall excellent coverage of German rocket launchers.
Sturmtiger (2) (pages 87-99)
Following on from last issue, part 2 on the Sturmtiger has again three sets
of 1/35th five view plans of later model variants based
on mid
and late
production Tiger I hulls for a good plan coverage of most different types.
Chinese Tank Development (3) (pages 100-111)
Continuing this series is the section with shots of the Type 80, Type 88 and
Type 96 MBTs with many good detail walkaround shots of the Type 96 as well
as extensive text in Japanese.
M1, M1A1, M1A2 Abrams (pages 112-142)
This final section is a general coverage of the Abrams through its development
with some detail shots of key features of each type including interior, production
line and general shots with a fair bit of Japanese text mixed in.
Another excellent issue with typical comprehensive photo coverage.
Available via mail order from Rainbow Ten in Japan.
and from Model
Point US in the US.
Page Created 9 April 2005