7.5cm PaK40/3 Ausf.H,M
Marder III
AFV Super Detail Photo Book Vol.4
Published by Model Art Co.Ltd.
3-11,3Chome, Iidabashi Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 102-0072, Japan
72 pages colour, black & white, colour, soft cover
Review by Terry Ashley
This latest book in the AFV Super Detail Photo book series from Model Art deals with the history and details of the Sd.Kfz.139/138 Panzerjäger 38(t) für 7.62cm Pak36, 7.5cm PaK40/3 Ausf.H,M Marder III.
The soft cover book has 72 pages with 50/50 Japanese and English text covering the history and development along with extreme close-up walkarounds of preserved Marder III 7.62cm Pak36 and 7.5cm Ausf.H and M.
The first 13 pages cover the history and development of the three versions of the Marder III describing the differences between the three along with some B&W wartime photos to illustrate the text.
This is followed by 21 pages on the Sd.Kfz.139 7.62cm Pak36 with additional text notes as well as 5 view 1:35 plans and detailed close up walk around photos of every part of the vehicle including the running gear, hull exterior, superstructure, interior of the fighting compartment and the gun. There is also a few pages with shots of the 7.62cm Pak36(r) on ground carriage to offer additional details of the gun and a page with profile drawings showing four cam schemes of the vehicle.
The next 10 pages cover the Marder III Ausf.H with a 2 page text description with a few wartime photos and further detailed close-up walk around photos mostly of the exterior covering the suspension and running gear, hull details and the superstructure exterior with a few small interior shots. Four view 1:35 plans are included as well as a few line drawings showing some important details of the Ausf.H.
The remainder of the book is devoted entirely to the Marder III Ausf.M with text descriptions and many more excellent close-up walk around photos again covering every detail of the vehicle from the hull exterior with individual shots of most features such as the hull front crew hatches, side engine intakes and rear hull details.
The superstructure exterior, internal fighting compartment and the gun is also covered in great detail with many close-up shots with a number of detailed line drawings that compliment the photos to fully illustrate the detail plus a couple of pages with colour profile drawings showing cam schemes for the Ausf.H and M.
This is another excellent book in this series from Model
Art again aimed
directly at the modeller with the many excellent close-up detail shots
with just enough text to give important and useful information. The small
size of the photos doesn’t seem to matter as many have shots of
an individual detail part allowing many more photos to be included than
if they were larger yet still showing all the details you would ever want.
The inclusion of all three Marder III variants adds more appeal to the book especially with the recent release of the two Ausf.H kits from Dragon and Tristar and the inclusion of equal Japanese/English text adds greatly to the appeal and usefulness of the book for anyone building the available kits.
Highly recommended 8.5/10
See the Model Art Website
for additional details
Thanks to Model
Art for the review book.