IS Heavy Tank
Osprey Modelling 9
By Nicola Cortese
Published by Osprey Publishing.
Soft cover, 80 pages
ISBN 1-84176-757-3
Review by Terry Ashley
Number 9 in the Modelling series is devoted to the IS Heavy Tank and as well
as featuring the building of seven different models there are brief sections
on the materials used and available references that will be useful for modellers.
The seven models in the book are based on the Dragon JSU-152 (kit 6803) and
JS-2 (Kit 6012), the Trumpeter JS-2M (kit 00316), two on the Tamiya JS-3 (kit
35211) plus the inclusion of various resin updates sets, etched detail sets
with track sets, metal barrels plus numerous scratch built items and there
are also two 1/72 JS-2 kits using the Fujimi kits SWA-30 and SWA-32.
Each article has many colour photos of the models during construction showing
clearly the inclusion of the aftermarket detail sets as well as the many scratch
built items in what is basically a step by step visual guide to the building
Each photo has a caption explaining what is happening in the photos as well
as detailed text describing the complete building and painting process.
The painting of the finished models follows the same formula with progress
pics showing the basic painting and the weathering process and as all the models
are in basic overall green the emphasis is on the application of the weathering
to add a different finish.
The models are divided into three ‘classes’ or skill levels of ‘Intermediate’, ‘Advanced’ and ‘Master’ that
will offer something for all modellers with the work on each ranging from the
exterior detailing for the ‘Intermediate’ to the inclusion of interior
details in the ‘Advanced’ and full conversions and scratch building
in the ‘Master’ class that will not only provide a guide to building
the models but give you something to tackle to improve your skills.
The seven models are:
- Building the ISU-152 (1/35) Pages 7 to 17
Based on the Dragon ISU-152 kit #6803
Skill level; Intermediate
Detail sets used include CMK 152mm ML-20 replacement barrel and Eduard Express
The model has exterior detailed added with the sets used plus items from
wire and card but the article mainly concentrates on the painting and weathering
- Building the IS-2 (1/35) Pages 18 to 31
Based on the Dragon JS-2 kit #6012
Skill level; Master
Detail sets used include Maquette V-2 engine (#35024), Jaguar resin interior
set 63501, ModelKasten SK-14 tracks, ABER and Eduard etched detail, Jordi
Rubio metal barrel scratch built items.
The model has a detailed exterior as well as full interior added using
the Jaguar interior, Maquette engine plus additional scratch building and
and is displayed on a small scenic base depicting a partially destroyed
- Building the IS-3M (1/35) Pages 32 to 42
Based on the Trumpeter JS-3M kit #00316
Skill level; Advanced
Detail sets used include Armour Track Models workable tracks plus
additional detailing with plastic card and strip.
The model has extensive detailing of the exterior and also highlights the
painting and weathering process.
- Building the IS-3 (1/35) Pages 43 to 55
Based on the Tamiya JS-3 kit #35211
Skill level; Master
Detail sets used include Maquette V-2 engine (#35024), Friulmodel ALT-54
tracks, ABER etched detail set, Jordi Rubio metal barrel plus scratch built
The model features extensive reworking of the engine deck and side storage
compartments as well as numerous other details and also describes the painting
and weathering process.
- Building the ISU-152 SP (1/35) Pages 56 to 66
Based on the Tamiya JS-3 kit #35211
Skill level; Advanced
Detail sets used include Cromwell Models ISU-152 resin conversion set,
Friulmodel ALT-34 IS-3 tracks, Aber etched parts and additional detail
The model is an extensive conversion using the large Cromwell Models ISU-152
upper hull on the Tamiya lower hull and suspension and also describes the
painting and weathering process.
- Building the IS-2 (1/72) Pages 67 to 77
Based on the Fujimi JS-2 kit #SWA-30 and JS-2M kit #SWA-32
Skill level; Advanced/Intermediate
The two models are built using additional detailing from various sized
wire, Evergreen styrene strip and additional detail items. There are the
photos of
the details added as well as the painting and weathering process and show
what can be done in this small scale to produce well detailed models.
Following the chapters on the model building are lists of available printed
references and websites and of all available kits and accessories for the kits
plus and a chart with colour chips of the colours used on the various models.
This book continues the trend of previous Modelling Manuals with a wealth of
information and clear photos to illustrate the text and will provide many
useful tips and modelling ideas that can easily be used on other models as
well as those featured.
Highly recommended.
Page created 4 July 2004
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