Review by Terry Ashley
The book is packed with detailed photos of a 251/1 Ausf.D from the Polish Army Museum in Warsaw with a few technical manual photos thrown in with text in both Polish and English. The photos range in size from full page shots with two, three or four photos per page which are usually for the extreme close-up shots so the detail is still there.
Apart from the first page with a short technical description of the vehicle all the remaining text is the photo captions again in Polish and English with most space taken up by the excellent photos.
Every part of the vehicle including engine and interior is covered in great detail with multiple pages devoted to each sub section of the vehicle.
The first five pages are a general walkaround of the vehicle with useful details shown with the next six pages dealing with the front fenders with shots under, sideways and top views showing just about even nut and bolt to be seen.
The front vision ports are shown from different angles as is the machine gun shield and straight arm gun mounting which shows the was used as well as the upturned support arm.
The left fender engine exhaust is shown in five photos again from every angle to fully show the details while the next four pages have shots of the side storage boxes with a couple showing the doors open for added details with the next five pages showing every detail there is on the rear hull from the towing pintle to the tail lights and pneumatic brake socket.
Next comes four pages showing the engine doors open with the interior details of the engine and firewall shown again from different angles as well as shots of the engine doors inside and out.
The next eighteen pages show in great detail the road wheels, suspension and tracks with additional images from the technical manual showing the individual road wheel, drive sprocket and track link components. The front axle and suspension is also included with superb close-up photos showing the steering linkages and leaf spring hull attachments as well as shots of the suspension and tracks on the lower hull during restoration as well as shots from under the hull showing the axle and inside road wheel details.
The interior comes next with detailed photos from all angles showing the forward instrument panel and bulkhead plus an image from the tech manual, there are also some colour shots of the instrument panel and driver controls plus many more of the floor section between the seats and sidewalls again with some in colour.
The visors are shown in detail as are the sidewall bolted flanges and many shots of the rear crew seats and storage boxes taken from different angles to fully show the details.
All the fittings on the hull walls are shown including the inner panel for the attachment of different equipment and finally the rear panel with door latch detail and fire extinguisher mountings as well as the many bolt head are again shown from different angles.
A superb photo reference on the 251/1 Ausf.D and will answer just about every
question you will ever have on the basic SPW and just the thing for adding
all those details to the AFV Club or Dragon kits.
Highly recommended.
The book is available through the US distributor AirConnection or in Europe from Blast Models.
Page created 8 January 2005