This CD on the Stug III G contains 270 large format .jpg images (1500 x 1000 pixels) from the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation(MVTF), Portola Valley, California and covers virtually every aspect of the vehicle with excellent close up shots of the exterior of the hull, superstructure and suspension with additional interior images of the hull, fighting and engine compartments for a comprehensive coverage.
The photos are broken down into various categories on the CD menus for easier viewing and should be a real bonus anyone building a kit of the StuG III G
Also included on the CD is a brief history of the vehicile and a listing of additional printed reference books for added reference.
The sample images here are reduced in size considerably from those on the
CD to give and indication of the details included in the images.
Technical Stuff:
The CDs have an auto run feature when used on a Windows based PC but MAC users
will need to manually run the Title.htm file to get things going and the
images are presented on a web based interface in your browser so the feel
is just like looking at a regular web page with menus to navigate through
the pages and images, all quite easy really. You can also use any other image
thumbnail program to view the images if this is preferable and of course
they can be printed for easier reference as desired.
Excellent photo collection of the StuG III G with large clear images
to show the details well with an easy interface to browse the images and
will be very useful reference sources.
Highly recommended
See Toadman’s
web page for details of additional Photo CDs available
as well as the on site walkarounds.
Thanks to Chris “Toadman” Hughes for the review CD.
Page created November 8, 2005