book M998 HMMWV in detail
Present Vehicle Line No4
Wings & Wheels Publications.
Published by RAK, Czech Republic.
ISBN 80-86416-14-3
60 pages all in colour.

The book covers in great detail the M998 basic troop carrier with apart from 3 pages on the M1109/M1114 up armoured HMMWV, 9 pages on the M1025/M1026 Weapons Carrier (included a few shots of the M1025A1/A2 showing the added features on these vehicles) and 1 page on the M1042 Shelter Carrier the rest of the book is devoted to sensational colour close-ups of the basic M988.

Every part of the vehicle is photographed in clear close-up details. Everything from the interior instrument panel including details under the instrument panel, the seats, door details and even the underside of the roof.
The exterior is covered equally well with close-ups of things like the front and rear lights, fuel filler cap, exterior hood details, the rear towing shackles and the drop down tool rack under the rear.

The chassis and engine are given the same detailed coverage with even some shots of the engine from inside the crew compartment with the engine cover removed, that's and angle you don't see very often.
The inside of the engine hood is shown as well as the engine bay, engine and associated plumbing.
The suspension is also sown in mind boggling details where the photographer has crawled under the vehicle to take some shots of the under pan, drive train and exhaust as well as the rear of the engine gearbox and the wheel suspension units shot from both front and rear angles. There are also a couple of shots of the front suspension taken with the wheel removed. To finish off there are clear shots of the old pattern tyre and the new "arrow" pattern tyres clearly showing the different hub designs as well as the tread pattern.

Finally there are some shots of the trailer specially designed to be towed behind the M998.

As many of these details are in common with the other vehicles in the series they can be equally applied to these vehicles. The photos will provide just about every detail you would ever want to know about the M998.

Highly recommended.

Page Created 18 April 2003

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