48 pages all in colour.
Review by Terry Ashley
Harley Davidson WWII models WLA & WLC:
The book is basically split in two parts with the WLA highlighted first followed
by the WLC with each treated in the same manner with many detailed close-up
photos of every aspect of the bikes.There are numerous overall shots from different angles which give an excellent
overview as they are fully fitted out with typical equipment while in service
such as the rear panniers, windscreen and Thompson SMG.Follwing this are seperb detailed shots of the frame, the engine, suspension
and wheels with many multiple shots from different angles to give an excellent
overview of the feature being shown and the fact that the 48 pages are crammed
with detailed photos of what are quite small vehicles gives an indication of
the level of detail shown.
A superb photo coverage of the venerable Harley Davidsons that
will appeal to modellers and historians alike.Highly recommended
František of Wings & Wheels
Publications for the review book.
Page Created 11 June 2005