book Kübelwagen in detail
Special Museum Line No.35
František Korán, Jan Moštek
Wings & Wheels Publications.
Published by RAK, Czech Republic.
ISBN 80-86416-53-4

72 pages all in colour.

Review by Terry Ashley

This is the second volume on the Kübelwagen from Wings & Wheels Publications following Special Museum Line No.8 of a few years ago and continues the superb series of photo essays for the modeller.

This volume has 72 pages with 265 photos entirely in colour and features coverage of the Model 1939 and 1943 Kübelwagens with the text which is confined to a brief introduction and photo captions all in English with the emphasis on the photos.

Four preserved and restored Kübelwagens are used for the photos, one Model 1939 and three Model 1943 vehicles and following a four page introduction with brief history and tech data along with overall shots of the four vehicles it is straight into the close up detail.

The next 10 pages have an excellent close-up photo walk around of the Model 1939 Kübel with images of the exterior and interior as well as the engine compartment to highlight the detail differences of the early model.

The next 22 pages is worth the price of the book on their own with photos of a Model 1943 Kübelwagen under restoration which allows superb shots of just the lower body pan with front and rear suspension fitted showing many details not normally seen when the body is fitted. This not only shows the suspension components in great detail from all angles but gives a better indication of where things like the brake lines, accelerator cable and steering arms go which again are not easy to see with the body in place.

A series of the photos are taken with the body pan/suspension resting upright on one set of wheels allowing excellent photos to be taken of the underside and top side without any distortion offering an even better look at the details.

Following the suspension is the upper body in sections while under restoration again showing many sections which are hard to see when the body is fully assembled to give a very good understanding of what goes where. There are also shots of a new body replica being produced with the use of original documentation and assembly drawings to faithfully replicate every part and again gives excellent views of the body under construction.

If that was not enough the next 22 pages has a series of superb close-up walk around photos of two Model 1943 Kübelwagens showing virtually every minute detail inside and out of the body with individual shots of items such as the tool clips, head light and wiper wiring, rear view mirror mountings, tail light and on the interior the instrument panel, gear levers, foot pedals, seats, door handles, rifle clips and this list goes on. There are also shots from the inside with the canvas roof extended showing the support frames in place which again is something not usually seen in ‘normal' photos.

Next comes 9 pages of the Model 1943 engine compartment and engine with equally superb photos of the engine plumbing and wiring as well as the tools fitted inside the engine bay door. Photos of two engines are shown, one ‘standard' and one fitted for the tropical conditions which show the differences mainly in the air filters fitted.

The last few pages show the tools and equipment carried such as the first aid box, jack, oil can and petrol dropper to give a good indication of the details as well as the colours of these parts.

There is not one part of the vehicles not covered with overall shots of the vehicles to give perspective to all the detail shots as well as showing some of the stencilling carried but you should note that a couple of the vehicles have additional reflectors and indicator lights added to allow them to be driven on modern roads but otherwise are as close to the original as possible. There are also shots of the vehicles with the top cover extended and the removable windows in place to give nice details of these features.

So what does this book have over the original Volume No.8 you ask, well for start this volume has 72 pages compared to the 36 pages in the first book with less than a dozen photos from the first book included in the new book with the rest all new and as mentioned the shots of the vehicles under restoration being worth the price of admission. The extra 36 pages are packed full of additional details shots which is not say the first book is lacking but just that this volume has that much more right down to the last rivet.

Sample Pages

I thought when reviewing book No.8 that it was one of the best single references on the Kübelwagens from a modelling point of view but this new book is all that and more and will be an indispensable addition to the library for any serious student of the Kübelwagen.

Highly recommended

Thanks to František of Wings & Wheels Publications for the review book.

Page Created September 3, 2005
Last updated April 7, 2007

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