We got a glimpse of Dragons new generation British figures with the two bonus figures included with the recent Firefly Vc (kit#6182) but they are different from the six in the new set, so they now have some mates.
The set contains 109 parts in light grey plastic to make six figures along with a selection of personal gear and weapons.
Three of the figures are standing/walking with one squatting with the Bren gunner and one other in a prone position for nicely animated figures.
The break-up of the figures sees the two legs, upper body, both arms and
head as separate parts; this allows for excellent uniform details that include
fine fabric seams on the arms and trouser legs as well as well defined pockets
and other details.
There are some minor moulding seams to be removed but these don’t conflict
with the fabric seams in most places and other that that there is no additional
cleanup needed.
Each figure is wearing the standard British Khaki battledress and webbing
with steel helmets with and without cam netting and four are armed with the
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield Mk.III, one with a Sten Gun Mk.II and one with
the Bren Light Machine Gun.
A nice selection of personal equipment is included with the standard .303
ammo pouches, water bottles, trenching tool and light gas mask haversack
as well three figures having the bandoleer often worn after D-Day; this is
made up of two sections each to allow a better fit to the body.
A full sized colour sheet is included with illustrations by Ron Volstad of the assembled figures with the parts called out by number that will assist in assembling the figures as well as with the painting.
I have assembled one of the figures (No.3) to test the fit of parts and
equipment and found the body parts to have excellent fit without the need
for any trimming of filler even with this figure having both hands on his
.303 which is often a problem area.
The .303 fits easily into the hands after assembly so can be left off for
easier painting but it is advisable to leave the weapon in place until the
glue on the arms has dried to ensure there is no movement to put off the
The front of the tunics have indentations for the ammo pouches which makes for a good snug fit but I did have a few problems getting the bandoleer to ‘sit’ properly and a bit of minor trimming was needed. Also the fit of the gas mask haversack under the left arm required quite a bit of material to be trimmed from the haversack and regular test fitting will determine the best fit.
Other than that everything else fell into place for a very natural feel to the figure and with careful painting will look very good.
The Weapons:
These are from set #6055 “British Commonwealth Troops (NW Europe 1944)” and
have four Lee-Enfields, two Bren Guns with alternate open and folded tripod
and two Sten Mk.II (Second Pattern) as well there is a third new Sten Mk.II
(Initial Pattern) with this new set. All that is required is to add the weapons
slings from thin lead sheet, paper, masking tape or whatever you prefer?
Assembled figure C
A very nice set of British figures with excellent uniform details, nice animation
and natural sit of the weapons that along with the other recent US Normandy
figure sets will be very welcomed by Allied fans and adds to the growing
list of excellent Allied figure sets from Dragon.
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Page created 4 October 2004