The sets are finely etched in the usual ABER style with well defined details and engraved bend lines where applicable.
Each set contains the two full length fenders with separate out ‘lips’ for good definition and to allow for the slight curve at each end. The top support brackets are also separate parts as is the front glacis support and there are separate smaller fillets with bolt head details to add for the glacis/fender join.
Also on the fret are dozens of small etched bolt heads to be carefully removed and glued along the length of the outer fenders and on the supports with small indentations on the fenders to indicate the bolt head location.
The fenders will certainly improve the look from the thick kit fenders on the Tamiya kits and will also allow realistic battle damage for the used look but the sets are not for the inexperienced modeller as quite a bit of work will be needed in removing the old fenders and adding the new ones. Adding all those bolt heads will have you wishing to get back to a set of individual track links for a break but the end result will be worth the effort.
Thanks to Michael from Airconnection for the sample barrel.
carry the full range of ABER update sets and barrels.
Page Created 1 June 2005