The set is designed specifically for the Tamiya M4A3 105mm Sherman (kit #35251) but we will also look to see if it will fit the other available M4/M4A3 105mm kits, Academy M4A3 Sherman105mm HVSS (kit#13207) and Dragon M4A3 Sherman105mm HVSS (kit #6354).

The barrel doesn't need any cleanup and includes a drilled out muzzle with rifling included which is quite noticeable in this larger calibre gun. The rifling is the usual parallel grooves and not to actual spiral but looks okay from most angles, unfortunately the barrel tube is slightly too large in diameter and the bore hole slightly undersized resulting in the barrel surrounding the bore hole being too thick. There is little you can do about this but other than that the barrel is the correct length with the correct contours where it exits the mantlet neck.
Fitting the barrel to the Tamiya kit is very straightforward as the barrel has the notch at the breech end that fits into the gun mounting hole the same as the kit gun without any alteratons required. The fit is very snug though and I did bevel the edge of the notch to help this slip into the gun mounting hole and you should ensure the barrel is inserted all the way into the gun mounting for proper alignment with the mantlet.
Also note the slight beveling of the notch as per text above for easier fitting to the kit.

Barrel fitted to Tamiya M4A3 105mm turret

Fitting the barrel to the Academy M4A3 Sherman105mm HVSS (kit#13207) will need a little surgery to drill out the locating hole in the kit gun mounting to allow the metal barrel to fit but other than that the mantlet is a good fit over the metal barrel for a fairly easy update if you wished to use the barrel for this kit.
On the other hand fitting the metal barrel to the Dragon M4A3 Sherman105mm HVSS (kit #6354) will require considerable work as the Dragon barrel is too narrow and you will have to drill out the hole in the mantlet to take the metal barrel and also modify the gun mounting considerablty to accomidate the metal barrel.
But without wanting to be unkind, why bother when the Dragon kit mantlet is so undersized it needs more than just a barrel replacement to bring up to correct standards and is really not worth the effort involved.
But if that's not an issue then it is a quick and easy update for the Tamiya kit and the other two 105mm Sherman kits with additional work.
Recommended with reservations 7/10.
See the Sherman Subjects page for other Sherman kit/accessory reviews.
Thanks to ABER for the review set.