The kit:
The kit consists of 625 parts in dark green plastic plus a small decal sheet
and length of twine for the tow rope, this equates to about 85% of the parts
from the previously released M12/M10/Achilles kits and 15% new parts for
the M36.
The inclusion of the previous kit parts with the new parts allows you to build any of the above variations except the M36B1 from the parts in the box, not a bad deal.
The quality of the mouldings is good as we know from the previous M10 kits with only a minimum of pin ejector marks on parts with detail on both sides but other than that just the normal cleanup needed for plastic parts.
The lower hull:
At the front of the conventional hull tub you have a choice of Type 2B or Type
2D 1-piece transmission covers which includes casting numbers but you will
have to add the drain plugs underneath the final drive housings. The VVSS
suspension bogies are the Type 2C-2 Intermediate raised roller with a choice
of open spoked or solid spoked wheels and idler wheels with rear detail inserts
as well as the grease plug and relief valve details while there is a choice
of Type 2 revised or Type 3 Simple Plate drive sprockets.
The interior as with the other kits is quite complete with lower floor forward transmission bulkhead and gearbox, driver’s position with gear levers, foot pedals, instrument panel and seat plus the co-driver’s seat. The fighting compartment has the floor with rear engine compartment bulkhead which includes the oil cooler radiator details and side sponson mounted ammo racks and shell cases.
The rear hull has the new M4A3 type panels (upper and lower hull) and exhausts for the M36 while you still get the original M4A2 style panels for an M36B2 if you wish.
The Upper Hull:
Moulded in one piece the cut-out for hull MG is slightly larger than on the
M10 hull and there is a choice of rear decking for the M36 (M4A3 style) or
M36B2 (M4A2 style) both with separate engine bay doors and at the front are
two separate glacis plates, one plain for WWII vehicles and the other with
the .30cal MG mounting for post war vehicles, nothing like plenty of choices
in one box.
The hull crew hatches are separate with additional separate periscopes, handles, hinge detail and internal fitting for nice little assemblies and all the fuel filler caps are separate which makes adding them in the right places for the M36 or M36B2 rear deck easy while you get the later style barrel support on the rear hull plus the usual array of pioneer tools.
One the hull sides are the moulded on bosses for the appliqué armour as seen on many M36s and can easily be removed if building a late model M36 without these present, the only parts that need any real work are the front and real light guards which are a little on the think side, but many will replace these with etched items anyway?
The Turret:
This is moulded in upper and lower halves with a separate half turret basket
with tread plate pattern and central traverse motor included but there are
some pin ejector marks around the turret ring which will need careful removal
so as not to damage the bolt head details also there.
The upper turret has nice weld seam detail as well as flush screws, tie downs
and other detail on top of the bustle and equally nice screw bolts along the
top of the mantlet.
The execution of the weld seam along the turret sides is well done as it is
moulded just above the join of the upper and lower turret halves and as the
fit is very good the join virtually ‘disappears’ into the weld
seam when fitted together but there is a minor mould seam around the turret
bustle that will need careful removal.
The large mantlet includes the two lifting eyes with subtle cast texture on
the surface and as mentioned there is a choice of three different barrel configurations
depending on what vehicle you are building.
There are two barrels both split
vertically as is normal with a choice of end thread protector for the early
barrel without muzzle break or the late war double baffle muzzle break (similar
to the M26), the early barrel without the tread protector could be depicted
by using a piece of plastic tube the same diameter as the barrel although this
option isn’t in the kit.
The other barrel is the post war M3A1 gun with single baffle muzzle break
and bore extractor which was usually fitted in conjunction with the hull mounted
.30cal MG.
On top is the two part cover fitted to some late war and to post war vehicles
to provide some top cover for the crew and has the hinge details included.
The top mantlet plate is a separate part but does have some pin ejector marks
to be removed due to it being moulded “backwards” on the sprue,
which is with the detail facing what is the back of most other parts on the
On the interior is a three part breech with separate two part breech block
and sight plus some other details such as the seats and ready round racks in
the rear bustle, there is scope to add additional details here but the basics
are there.
You have a choice of nice .50cal or .30cal MG for the pintle mount on the rear
turret roof although the .50cal was the normal fit.
An additional sprue has a selection of .30cal and.50cal ammo boxes, some jerry cans, additional solid spoke road wheels, spare track links and a number of small sections with moulded on bolt heads, lettering etc which you can cut off and use as required.
The decals are well printed with thin carrier film and provide markings for
four vehicles although they are fairly generic overall with no specific units
identified in the instructions other than to say one is from Korea 1953,
one from “Tonkin” Indochina 1953 and two from WWII, Germany March
1945 and France November 1944.
The instructions only deal with the construction of the M36 but it wouldn’t
be too hard to work out where the extra M36B2 bits go and if you have the previous
M10 kit even easier.
Another very nice kit for allied fans with nice details and with the number
of options included is very good value with three different versions able to
be built from the parts in the box and the M36B1 with the use of the Tamiya M4A3 as a donor hull.
There are areas where extra details would enhance the kit details, but what
kit hasn’t and overall this will build into a very nice long sought after
It would also be possible to use the M36 hull as a basis for an M35
Prime Mover if the modifications needed on the AFV Club kit are a bit much to undertake.
This kit has been a while in coming having first been announced nearly two
years back; let’s hope the M3 Lee/Grant series listed for 2004 don’t
the same delays.
Highly Recommended.
and M36 Tank Destroyers 1942-53 New Vanguard No 57 Osprey Publishing ![]() |
US Tank Detroyers Walk Around Squadron Signal Publications #5703 ISBN 0-89747-456-2 ![]() |
M10/M36 Wydawnictwo Militaria No.115 ISBN 83-7219-080-1 ![]() |
Allied & Axis 12 Ampersand Publishing Soft cover, 96 pages ![]() |
US Tank Detroyers in action Squadron Signal Publications No.2036 ISBN 0-89747-385-X ![]() |
US Technical Manual M36B1, M36B2 CD Easy 1 Productions ![]() |
US Tank Destroyers of WWII photo CD Enygma Graphics ![]() |
SHERMAN A History of the American Medium Tank R.P.Hunnicutt. Presidio Books ISBN 0-89141-080-5 ![]() |
Modeler's Guide to the Sherman MMIR Special. Ampersand Publishing Company, Inc ![]() |
Page created 13 November 2003