The links are moulded in dark brownish plastic to represent the classic “track colour” as seen in some paint ranges with each link made up of the track link and separate ‘plug’ with part of the inner link surface and the two guide horns with open holes that fit together as you assembly the links with each insert having track pins one on side and pin securing tabs on the other. There are enough links and horn plugs to make the 95 links per side with some spares.
The details on the track links have well defined ribs and cleats plus excellent end connector detail which is not compromised by the assembly method and a small recess on the inner face to accept the separate guide horn insert. The guide horns are finely moulded with open lightening holes as mentioned but there is some fine flash on some (not all) of the teeth that is easy to remove.
There is no sprue attachment on the links other than a very small nick at the front of the shoe for the sprue gate. Each link does have four pin ejector marks on the inner face that will need removing and mostly these are quite shallow with the one in the recess being raised making for easy removal. The occasional pin mark is a bit deeper and may need filling but mostly they are shallow or slightly raised meaning a quick shave with the X-Acto #11 will deal with them.
Assembly is very straightforward once you get stated with you firstly gluing one insert into place which does mean the final track join will not be workable as you can’t fit the pins into place once the insert has been glued. But this join can be positioned along the ground run and won’t be a problem.
Each subsequent link is attached in a similar manner but make sure the glue has sufficiently bonded before adding the next link or they could come adrift while handling and this did make assembly a little slower but things went smoothly when in a rhythm.
The assembled track runs articulate very freely (providing you were sparing with the glue) and having the pin joins only at the two points leaving the outer track stubs free didn’t cause any problems with the assembled track run when fitting around the drive sprockets as the sprockets and road wheels help in keeping the links aligned.
The tracks runs fit nicely around the AFV Club late Tiger I (kit #AF35079 and #AF35s27) drive sprockets as would expect and also fit very snugly around the Dragon Late Tiger I (kit #6253) drive sprockets and also to the Tamiya Tiger I drive sprockets.
A nicely detailed set of individual tracks that go together well but there is a bit of cleanup required on each link (pin marks). The assembled track runs articulate very well and will give nice natural sag when fitted to the target model.
With the tracks fitting different models without modification will further the appeal and make this set a good alternative to metal or resin tracks for those who prefer working in plastic.
Review set courtesy of my Credit Card.
Page Created October 25, 2004