Mörser KARL
Turned metal barrel with rifling
1/35 set No. Armo 35768
Review by Terry Ashley
This release from Armo is the full metal barrel and collar for the Dragon
Consisting of two large metal pieces the quality of the machining is excellent
with a blemish free surface. The barrel also has rifling with good definition
to a depth of 35mm, there was some small excess aluminium nodes on the rifling
that is easy to remove with a fine file. This doesn’t require any actual
filing with the nodes only on the surface and come off easily with a touch of
the file tip, anyone who is familiar with working with aluminium will know about
this excess residue. A final cleanup with a stiff brush gives a perfect finish
on the rifling.
The tolerances between the barrel and collar is equally good and they fit together
precisely with no lateral movement between the two.The new metal parts simply
replace the kits parts B11/B12 (barrel) and B13/B16 (collar) with only the
locating lug on the collar locating ring on part D8
(Right trunnion) needing to be removed, a simple operation.
The new metal collar fits snugly onto the front of the large Trunnion assembly
while the barrel fits into the internal mounting plate (part D4) equally well.
The metal parts will greatly improve the look of the kit with the rifling
as well you don’t
have the seams to worry about and this is a problem on the kit especially on
the inside of the barrel.
The metal barrel and collar parts fitted together
Page created 15 June 2003
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