The set consists of a cleanly cast resin mantlet and turned brass M6 barrel which has nice collar details and includes the slight muzzle flare typical of the M6 barrel.
Fitting the barrel to the kits is quite easy with the plastic barrel being cut away from the gun moulding and the barrel inserted in the resulting hole, some minor trimming may be needed depending on the kit.
The resin mantlet is cleanly cast with subtle cast surface texture and other details but the Tamiya kit mantlet is quite okay and actually has some small casting numbers not on the resin mantlet and so just adding the barrel to the Tamiya kit may be the best option. The Italeri kit will benefit most from the replacement mantlet which simply replaces the kit mantlet in both kits.
Another simple and well detailed barrel to update either of the M8 kits.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to my credit card and the excellent service from Rainbow Ten for the review set.
Page created November 20, 2005