Firefly Ic, Vc
British Shermans Pt.2
1/35th Decal Sheet BD-35011
Review by Peter Brown
Printed to a high standard for Bison by Microscale Industries, this
sheet offers complete decals for six different Sherman variants used by British
forces in
North West Europe. Most of the of items are on their own individual section
backing film so saving the need to cut them out, though a few small details
are on a small separate offcuts which do need be cut out. All items have a
glossy finish so will need a top coat of matt varnish.
Full markings for each subject vehicle are included, with unit and tactical
signs, serials, names, bridge class marks and white stars as appropriate.
Line drawings show where the markings go with numbers cross-referenced to
a layout sheet. Colour notes are given, as well as a list of the sources
used so modellers can check photos of the original vehicles for details of
stowage etc.
All six subjects are for tanks in NW Europe 1944-45 -
- A: Sherman Vc 3rd County of London Yeomanry, Nortmandy D

- B: Sherman Vc 4th/7th Dragoon Guards in a two-colour Olive Drab/Black
camouflage scheme.

- C: Sherman Vc 'VELIKYE LUKI' of Northamptonshire Yeomanry, France
August 1944 (the tank credited with knocking out Tiger "ace" Michael

- D: Sherman Ic Hybrid of 1st Czech Independent Brigade, 1944-45

- E: Sherman Vc of 144RAC East Lancashire Regiment, Holland, 1944-45

- F: Sherman Ic Hybrid with 3" rockets of 1st Coldstream Guards,
Bremen, Germany, April 1944

Source vehicles would be one of the Dragon Vc kits 6031, 6121 or 6182 or
even the basic M4A4 kits 6035 or 6041 converted to 17pdr, or the older deleted
Ic 9037 or some combination of plastic kit and/or aftermarket items.
More good markings for Fireflies tanks in the European campaign. Individual
items items could be adapted for other vehicles with additional research.
Well produced and presented, these are a welcome addition to the British
tank enthusiast.
Highly recommended.
See the Bison
Decals website for full details of this and coming decal sheets.
Thanks to Johan from Bison
Decals for the review samples.
Page 18 December 2004
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