The sets consist of 35 and 30 pieces respectively cast in the usual CMD light cream resin plus aluminium 76mm barrel for each set.
The quality of the resin is excellent without any blemishes on the parts and virtually no casting blocks or cleanup needed on many parts while others only require a minimum of cleanup. Some of the parts are extremely finely cast and will require care in handling; the retaining clip on the rear of the turret for the stored .50cal barrel is an example of this being no thicker than an etched metal equivalent.
The turrets have subtle cast surface texture with casting numbers included
as well as separate hatches, pistol ports, lifting eyes and other smaller details.
The lower turret retaining ring has alternate diameter rings to allow for fitting
to different Sherman kit hulls but there still may be some trimming needed
on the target kit to fit the turrets.
The later turret includes the canvas mantlet cover which has good details included but fixes the barrel elevation while the early turret has separate mantlet and can be assembled so the barrel can be elevated.
The metal barrels have the choice of muzzle thread protector or muzzle break which is in two halves for easy fitting and to ensure it is hollow when fitted to the barrel and there is also a new travel lock to use in place of the kit items if you wish.
The 4 page instructions give a detailed description of the assembly along with a few diagrams and photos of the assembled turrets to show where all the parts go.
In all a couple of nice T23 turrets with fine details that shouldn’t be too hard to add to the target kit for building a variety of late WWII or Korean Shermans.
See the Chesapeake Model Designs website for details on availability.
Page created 27 September 2003