The main part is the three piece transmission cover cast in a single piece
which includes the final drive housings and flanges for bolting the three segments
The other parts are the axle stubs and L shaped brackets for the undersides
of the sponsons.
The details on the transmission cover are excellent and feature subtle cast texture and casting numbers plus the grease plugs on the undersides of the final drive extensions and nice bolt head detail on the join flanges and transmission pieces.
The transmission cover should fit to most Sherman kits as they are designed in the same manner as the kit covers to mate to the front of the kit hulls, as always test fitting will indicate any minor trimming that may be required.
Two other transmission covers are available from CMD, set No. CMD 10 Early One Piece Transmission Cover with Bullet Splash Guard and set No. CMD 13 Three Piece Transmission Cover with Bullet Splash Guard. They also include five pieces as does CMD 36 with similar details.
See the Chesapeake Model Designs website for details on availability.
Page created 27 September 2003