The set consists of 112 parts in light cream resin with excellent crisp well defined details with just the usual casting blocks to be removed. There are also two etched frets made by Eduard for CMK and two photo films for the driver’s instrument dials to add to the resin parts for further detail.
Some of the casting blocks are quite substantial in relation to the part size as well as some overlapping the actual part and care will be needed when removing the blocks. I would recommend using a fine razor saw on most to avoid any damage and by cutting from all sides instead of one through cut you will reduce damage further.
Given the number of very fine small parts and larger parts there was only two minor breakages that were easy to fix and there was also some minor resin film to be removed from some of the finer parts but nothing unusual. One area that did need extra cleanup was the two fire extinguishers which had a lot of excess resin to be removed and considering both had the same issue it would seem the moulds needs some work.
The level of detail on the parts is exceptional and an example of this is
the floor escape hatch which after carefully removing some thin resin film
you have fully 3D latch and opening handle, very impressive.
The rear engine bulkhead has separate oil coolers with well defined details plus other fittings including the later style auxiliary generator on the side sponsor while on the floor is the drive shaft assembly and open battery box with separate etched lid plus a large resin ammo container with again etched doors.
At the front is the full differential cover with separate steering brake housing covers and steering brake shaft and side attachments while the transmission is a superb casting with alternate end caps giving you the early type which most kit transmissions have to date and the later type seen on later Shermans. The early cover includes the hand brake lever which was replaced by a foot hand brake level with the later type. Added details to the transmission are the gear level and small fittings as well as the attachments for the drive shaft.
The driver’s station is again very well detailed with resin floor section and etched false floor with non skid embossing with separate steering levels, accelerator and clutch pedals which attach to small pins on the lower floor allowing these to be repositioned if you wish? The two steering levers have separate upper hand grips that butt join to the level and I found this easy enough providing you ensue the end of the lever and bottom of the hand grip is perfectly square and smooth.
Adding to the detail here are the steering and clutch linkages plus etched driver’s instrument panels with a choice of early angled panel and later rectangle panel with photo film dials that fit between the etched panel and rear resin panel block. Strangely you only get the later rectangle shaped resin block which means if you use the early panel part of this overlaps the resin part and you may want to make a new part from card if using the early panel?
The driver’s and co driver’s seats are in two resin parts with a small etched part for the springs and includes subtle cushion detail that included the cushion pins with two types of seat base included, one with the two part extendable base while the other has the telescoping base, both of which are nicely detailed and as mentioned the excellent lower escape hatch.
The side sponson fillers also act as bases for the multi-part resin and etched
ammo racks along the right wall and the instrument panel, storage boxes, voltage
regulator and auxiliary generator on the left sponson.
There are also additional small storage boxes that fit above the transmission
and you should check your references to see if these are applicable to the
version you are building and there is the hull .30 cal machine gun with mounting
and small section of ammo belt to add details here.
Many of the parts can be assembled as sub-assemblies and added to the hull as you go and some minor trimming may be needed to fit these together but the usual test fitting will show any alterations needed.
The instructions are in the form of a small eight page booklet with exploded view drawings of the various sub-assemblies and final fitting of the assemblies and I found the drawings quite clear and easy to follow but of course you should study these carefully before and cutting or gluing.
Another superb update set from CMK with very finely cast parts with well defined
details with the etched parts adding additional details.
This set is without doubt the best Sherman interior released to date and in conjunction with the turret interior set #3027 will give you a show stopping M4 Sherman.
Highly recommended.
I have included scans of the instruction sheets to show the full extent of the details in the set. The Etched Parts
The Resin Parts
Click for
larger view, close new window to return to review
SHERMAN A History of the American Medium Tank R.P.Hunnicutt. Presidio Books ISBN 0-89141-080-5 ![]() |
Sherman Medium Tank 1942-45 Osprey New Vanguard No.3 ISBN 185532 296 X ![]() |
M4 Sherman Wydawnictwo Militaria 13 ISBN 83-86209-09-7 ![]() |
M4 Sherman Vol.II Wydawnictwo Militaria 99 ISBN 83-7219-057-7 ![]() |
Page created 26 June 2005