Exterior Set
No. T-07
for Dragon Panther D kit
(Kit No.6164)
The is the third
of the etched sets from Gum Ka designed for the new Dragon Panther
kits, this set consists of two small etched frets, one is the same as in set No.T-06
and the second a small fret with a few items particular to the D.
The additional
parts are for the D turret with the smoke grenade brackets and rain troughs
above the turret side pistol port and shell port.
All other comments
are the same as for the T-06 review.
The instructions
are again entirely written in Chinese. As well as text there are fairly clear
illustrations to show the assembly sequence and location of the parts, so there
shouldn’t be any problems using them?
Highly recommended.
See also set No.T-05
Panther A Basic Set and No.T-06 Panther A Exterior
Gum Ka detail sets are available from the excellent mail order service
at Rainbow
Page Created 3 August 2002
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