Casting quality is very good with virtually no cleanup required apart from some minor resin film in some of the drive teeth cut-outs with the links having nice ribbing detail as well as the lightening hole in each guide tooth.
There is the occasional minor excess resin in the guide tooth lightening hole and the pre-drilled pin holes in the links which can quickly be opened up with the appropriate sized drill but this was very much restricted to a few links only.
Assembly of the track links is very straightforward by simply fitting one
link into the other and slipping the pin through the hole with very little
effort. A small dab of thick cyanoacrylate at one end to hold the pin in place
and the join is done.
If you do come across a pin that won't go in with more than minor pressure
don't force it as you could damage the link, simply open up the holes with
the drill bit and then slip the pin through.
The assembled track run fits perfectly around the Dragon drive sprockets without any trimming needed for some of the quickest and easiest track links you will find to greatly improve the look of the Dragon kit track and allow natural sag to the track run.
While the links are designed for the Dragon Karls you may want to fit these to the better detailed Trumpeter Karls (Kits #00208, #00209) but as the Trumpeter drive sprocket guide teeth are slightly wider (.05mm) than the Dragon sprockets they won't fit as they come.
The simplest method to fit these tracks to the Trumpeter drive sprockets is to add a .05mm plastic card spacer between the two drive sprocket halves (parts H11, H12) and also add a similar spacer to the end of the locating lug on part H12 to ensure the inner sprocket remains the same distance from the hull when fitted.
After inserting this spacer the resin links fit the Trumpeter sprockets perfectly due to both the Dragon and Trumpeter sprockets having the same tooth pitch allowing these nice tracks to be used on the Trumpeter kit.
An excellent set of resin tracks for the Mörser Karl with nice crisp details,
minimal cleanup, easy assembly and a perfect fit to the Dragon kits and can
be used on the Trumpeter kits with very minor alterations to add further appeal
of the tracks.
Highly recommended
Thanks to my Credit Card and the guys at Hobby Easy for the review set.
Page created September 18, 2005