The set consists of a finely turned brass barrel with muzzle flash suppressor cone and a separate copper outer armoured sleeve which includes the cooling slits fully opened out. The barrel is inserted through the outer sleeve to assemble the barrel and initially there was a little residue on the inside of the sleeve from the machining of the slits but this can be removed by pushing the barrel though the sleeve a few times like a plunger. Just take care not to bend the outer sleeve as it has a weak point where the open cooling holes are when the inner barrel is not fitted.
Please disregard the slight deformation of the armoured sleeve around the cooling holes in the image below as this was due to a slight mishap where I dropped the barrel on the floor and proceeded to back my chair over it requiring some running repairs. The armoured sleeve was perfectly formed before I tried to destroy it.
Image of assembled barrel (bottom)
The notable feature of the barrel is the excellent definition of the cooling holes due to the separate barrel and armoured sleeve, it also has the muzzle hex attachment brackets well done as well as the contours in the sleeve.
But it is let down a little by the hollowed out flash suppressor cone being overly thick which distracts from the overall excellent appearance.
To fit the barrel is quite simple, when adding to the full MG34 receiver such as those that come with the majority of CyberHobby/Dragon Tiger and Panther kits you simply cut off the kit barrel taking care to leave the small guide pin underneath for fitting of the kit mounting parts later. You then drill a 0.5mm hole in the receiver and insert the barrel pin, all very easy.
Note thicker flash suppressor cone
You then just insert the barrel jacket into the ball mounting leaving the appropriate length exposed, using the kit barrel as a guide for this will work in most instances.
Very little work is needed to fit to any applicable kit with the barrel offering a marked improvement in detail over the plastic kit barrels.
Highly recommended
Thanks to LionMarc
Model Designs for the review sets.