The brass skids are perfectly pre-formed and match available plans perfectly in size and shape, they also include the four small retaining bolts which are slightly raised embossing with no clean-up required before use. The skids are thick enough for a good scale appearance and strong enough so they won’t be bent out of shape with normal handling.
The brass bolts are very small but perfectly formed and of course care will be needed when handling so they don’t disappear into the great modelling void. You are supplied 40 bolts which is enough for one set of six bogie units (36 @ 6 per bogie) and a few left over for attrition. Reference photos show different styles of bogie bolts with some the same style as in this set (with bolt extension) and others without the bolt extension and to portray this type you just file off the bolt extension leaving the large nut.
The skids and bolts can be fitted to any kit bogie currently available and you simply replace the skids in those kits with separate skids or cut of the skid from those with them moulded in place, all very easy. Some of the kit bogies will also need the return roller bracket reduced in height so the brass skid sits as the correct angle, see images below.
Fitting the bolts is just as easy, for sets without bolts (eg early Dragon/Italeri and Tamiya) simply glue the bolts in place using cyanoacrylate. The later kit bogies with moulded on bolts you simply cut off the plastic bolts and replace with the brass items, again all very easy.
The brass bolts and skids improved the look of all kit bogies tested except for the Tasca units which really don’t need this update as they are nicely detailed in these areas anyway and other bogies are more wanting.
A very simple and quick update that will improve the look of any Sherman VVSS
bogie unit with the lack of cleanup and robust brass material making the job
even easier.
These sets will almost be a must have update set for Sherman fans and like me you may end up getting a herd of sets to match the pile of Sherman kits on the shelf.
Highly recommended
Thanks to Leo from LionMarc Model Designs for the review set.
Page created October 29, 2005