The set consists of approximately 220 links per side cast in light green resin with the only cleanup needed is some minor excess resin on one side of the links which is easily removed with a sharp blade.
Also included are replacement drive sprockets for use on the Eastern Express and Tamiya kits which also have excellent details on both sides of each sprocket with virtually no cleanup other than some very minor residue around the drive teeth which again is very easy to clean off. The sprockets are the later type with just eight bolt heads on the centre hub and therefore can only be used on Model 1942 and later vehicles.
Detail on the links is excellent with well defined ribbing and nice end connector bolt detail and it should be noted the links are handed with each side packed in separate bags. Ensure you don’t mix these up during assembly and the links are fitted with the ‘flat’ bolt head to the inside on both sides of the tank.
Each track link has two small pins that fit into corresponding holes in the
next link but care is needed when assembling these. Both pins are the same
size and after slipping one pin into the locating hole you should carefully
coax the other pin into place while exerting slight downward pressure to
get the most clearance for the pin.
Unfortunately on some links this action broke off the locating pin altogether
as the pin is quite small in relation to the link but any damaged links can
be glued together using cyanoacrylate and used for the ground track run so
they don’t go to waste.
After carefully assembling a length of track it fits exactly around the resin drive sprockets as you would expect with the track also fitting precisely to the new Trumpeter drive sprockets meaning you can use these tracks on those kits without any alterations.
To fit the tracks to the Eastern Express or Tamiya kits it is advisable to
use the resin sprockets not only for better details but also because the resin
track with not fit the sprockets from those kits without modification.
You will need to drill out the sprocket axle locating hole to fit the axle on
whatever kit you use them on but again this is an easy job.
No instructions are included but assembly is very straightforward and they are not really needed for anyone with some experience with resin replacement tracks.
A well detailed and clean set of individual track links requiring very little
cleanup but care is needed during assembly to avoid damaging the link while
the assembled track run articulate freely to get realistic track sag. The
bonus drive sprockets add additional details and allow the tracks to be used
on any available KV kit.
Highly recommended.
See the KV Series Subjects page for reviews of other track and detail sets available on site.
Thanks to Miniarm for the review set.
Miniarm sets are available from Model
Point US.
Page Created 29 July 2005