Panzer IV Ausf.D
Kit Comparison

Dragon Kit #6265 - Tristar Kit #35023

1:35th Scale
Kit Comparison

7.5cm Gun and Turret front plate Images
*Dragon kit has the gun housing approx. 1.5mm too short.
Panzer IV Ausf.D
*Tristar kit has the gun housing the correct size
Panzer IV Ausf.D
*Overhead view showing the size discrepancy with the Dragon gun housing
resulting in the whole gun/barrel assembly being approx. 1.5mm too short.

Panzer IV Ausf.D
*Turret front plate, both kits have the same plate angles
Dragon includes etched brackets to show front visors in the open position.

Panzer IV Ausf.D
*The Tristar kit has separate lower turret triangular plates
with these included with the Dragon lower turret part.

Panzer IV Ausf.D
*Interior gun parts
Panzer IV Ausf.DPanzer IV Ausf.D
*Assembled 7.5cm guns, Dragon assembly more detailed
Panzer IV Ausf.DPanzer IV Ausf.D

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