38cm Assault Mortar SturmTiger
1:35 Kit Comparison
#AF 35103
Superstructure Details
AFV Club has two inner panels sandwiched together to
form the front plate (left)
Roof parts and rear escape hatch parts (right)
Additional AFV Club lifting hooks, brackets and separate pistol port plugs

Front driver's visor and machine gun ball mount.
Club kit has alternate early and late mount with movable MG34.
Note: MG and ball are separate parts but shown together in image.
Italeri kit
has late mounting with movable MG34 but with wrong barrel, should have late
armoured cover.
Tamiya kit has late mounting with just the
MG34 barrel in fixed position.

port with weld seam and inner bullet splash ridges on the AFV
Club and Italeri kit but plain on the Tamiya kit

Italeri Roof hatches, rear escape hatch parts
additional lifting hooks, brackets and separate
conical bolts

Tamiya Roof hatches, rear escape hatch parts
and Additional lifting hooks, brackets and separate
conical bolts

Mortar crane hoist details, AFV
Club with far more intricate details including etched sling and twine
plus two of the smallest wing nuts you will find in plastic, out with the magnifier
and tweezers.

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