The set consists of approx 180 injected plastic track links each with separate end pins and separate central track segment, a drive sprocket spacer as well as a couple of jigs to help in assembling the links.
The actual track links according to the Panzer Tracts book No.7-3 Panzerjaeger are 520mm wide with a pitch (depth) of 160mm, this equals 14.85mm and 4.6mm in 1:35 scale. These tracks measure out at 14.9mm wide x 4.5mm deep and so are pretty well spot on with the Trumpeter tracks being 14.5mm wide.
The quality of the moulding is excellent with very well defined link rib details and the only cleanup needed is the small scar when removing each part from the sprue with no pin marks to contend with and the links featuring fully open guide teeth as well as having handed end track pins.
To achieve the open guide horns with the limitations of injected moulding has resulted in the small central section of the link being a separate part that must be attached before assembling the track runs. It is best to attach this while the small segment (part 3) is still attached to its sprue as this allows easy handling and you then cut off the sprue when the glue has dried.
Also included is a small drive sprocket spacer as the track links are wider
than the Trumpeter track and all other track sets available. I was not aware
there was an issue with the width of the kit drive sprocket or track width
but be that as it may you have to fit the spacer for the track to fit the Trumpeter sprockets.
One thing to watch is the locating lug on the inner sprocket is bevelled and
a corresponding bevel is included on the spacer, so make sure you fit this
the right way around or you will wonder why it won’t fit properly.
As mentioned the links are handed with different end pins for the left and right side which are clearly marked #1 and #2 in the instructions but you should ensure these are not mixed up during assembly. The instructions are fairly clear of the placement of the pins and the direction of the track so there shouldn’t be any problems in this regard.
Assembly of the track runs is quite straightforward using the jigs provided to line up the links and slip the end pins into place while still attached to their sprue and adding a small dab of glue on the side of the pin to hold in place. Don’t get the glue on the end bolt as this may ruin the detail after assembly and only a very small amount of glue is required to hold the pins in place.
Once you have assembled the track runs, allow the glue to dry and then simply cut the pin from its sprue with a sharp blade leaving the links to articulate freely providing you didn’t over indulge with the pin glue.
The assembled track runs fit perfectly to the widened Trumpeter drive sprockets and they give very good tack sag effect due to the free articulation.
This set of tracks is nicely detailed with very little cleanup but the assembly
is a little more complicated with the small separate link section needed for
the open guide teeth. The end pins have excellent details and look good on
the kit but as mentioned I’m not sure about the extra track/sprocket
width included in this set.
But the assembled track runs are clean and well detailed with free articulation for good track sag and offer another good choice to make selecting a track set for your “Emil” even more interesting.
Highly recommended.
See the "Emil" Subjects listings for reviews of additional set available for the Trumpeter kit.
Page Created March 11, 2006