The set has six PE frets of excellent finely etched parts with the usual nice relief and a small photo film sheet with the instrument panel dials and one small resin part also for the instrument panel.
As with previous Voyager etched sets there are different thickness frets for added definition to the parts.
The set has a new etched instrument panel with clear photo film dials and a small resin detail part that will require you to remove the moulded on detail from the kit instrument panel (part U12) before using the new parts but this is a simple operation.
The other major parts are the lower fighting compartment floor tread plate panels including the raised central hump and again to use these parts you will have to shave off the moulded on detail on the kits parts (U27, UB01) and this operation would have to be done early in the kit construction process.
All of the tool and equipment clips both internally and externally are provided as etched parts and greatly improve the appearance of these on the finished model and as many of these are quite small care will be needed when fitting.
On the inside all the ammo bins and storage boxes applicable to the /9 are provided along with the large seat back storage bins with separate latches and hinges for the boxes while on the outside fender storage boxes are the small padlocks and securing chains to add details to these.
The instructions are the usual clear exploded view drawings showing the placement of the parts and construction of any assemblies required that are easy to follow and should make using the set hassle free.
While all this doesn’t sound much there are a lot of small parts as well as the large bins and boxes that will all add nice detail definition to the finished model.
Highly recommended.
See the Voyager Models website for additional details.
Thanks to my credit card and for the review sample.
Page Created 6 November 2004