The set is basically identical to set #PE35112 apart from an additional large etched fret with the additional large storage boxes carried on the Ausf.G Command Version with the notes below being from the previous review with additional notes on the additional parts.
As with previous Voyager sets the standard of etching is excellent with good relief where needed and clean crisp etching and the intake screen mesh being extremely thin and finely done due to the use of stainless steel which is harder than the usual brass as well as the usual bending lines to make the job easier.
The main etched feature is the complete fenders with separate fender supports to replace the kit fenders. You will have to emboss out the long raised ribs which can be done using a ball point pen or similar but a consequence of this process is the fender will curl or distort as you emboss the ribs and you need to flatten the fender again which can also reduce the embossing effect.
This occurs with all parts requiring this type of embossing and annealing the fender before embossing helps a little when straightening the fender but doesn’t reduce the deforming, using a hard or soft surface to rest the part on while embossing gives similar results. This is not just with this set but all sets from any manufacturer that requires this embossing and some effort is required to get results.
But moving on the edges of the fenders have small lips that are bent using a good etched bending tool and this helps keep the fenders straight as do the separate mounting brackets and to fit to the kit you have to cut off the locating strip for the kit fenders.
At the back are alternate mesh screens for the engine intakes that provide the two different styles seen on the mesh, one diamond shape and the other rectangular shape mesh with these fitting inside the etched intake frames provided. One thing not included is the later engine intake cover with sliding panel as fitted to later vehicles.
The grills located under the lip of the engine access hatches are provided as finely etched parts with the correct rectangular mesh as do the Tristar etched grills and the actual grills. So why do you need the new grills? The only difference is they have notably finer mesh than the Tristar grills but if you aren’t showing the engine doors open this won’t be that much of an issue. One minor point with the Voyager grills is they are slightly too long and you will have to cut off about 0.5mm to fit into the recess on the kit doors.
The large smoke grenade rack is made up entirely of etched parts with the five brass grenades added along with the fine etched chains and small springs on each side which you make from thin wire. This builds into a nicely detailed box that simply replaces the kit plastic parts.
Also in etched parts is the typical perforated storage box with workable hinges for the door and the brackets for the jack added on top and again this replaces the kit box.
Other details for the hull include all the tool clips and brackets as well as a new spade head along with alternate tail light brackets and details for the early and late style light plus the spare track rack on the glacis and the aerial mount.
There are three additional storage boxes provided, one with partially perforated sides and panels that require you to emboss the raised ribs using the same method as for the fenders. The box lid hinges can be made workable with the thin wire provided if you wish plus there are additional etched latches to be added.
The other two solid box again have small hinges that again can be made workable with additional latches plus a full set of etched tools including open and closed wrenches, a files, hack saw and pliers that would be excellent for diorama purposes.
For the turret there are a couple of smaller roof brackets with the main update being the replacement aluminium barrel which has the muzzle slightly drilled out but only to about 2mm and you may want to drill this further for a better appearance.
As with previous 38(t) barrel determining the correct length can sometimes be a challenge if you don’t have an original to run a tape measure over and this is no different with four sets of 1:35 plans in the MBI “Praga” book, the Panzer Tracts No.21-1 Staende mit Pz.Kpfw.Tuermen, the Tank Power Vol.XXI PzKpfw 38 (t) book and Ground Power Magazine #064 with all showing the barrel at different lengths?
Elsewhere in the MBI book is a scape illustration (page 77, not to scale) but showing that the exposed length of the barrel along the top is a fraction less than 1 meter which in 1:35 scale is 28.5mm.
So where does this leave the three plans? Those in the MBI book
show a barrel length of 27.0mm (short by 1.5mm) which also means the plans
don’t match information elsewhere in the book and the barrel is not the
only discrepancy here with the hull length in the plans being 2mm shorter than
the stated length of 4560mm, but that’s another story.
The Panzer Tracts plan barrel length is 30.0mm, the Tank
Power plan barrel length is 29.25mm being the closest of the three
at just 0.75mm longer and those in the Ground Power show 31mm
for 2.5mm too long.
Back to the Voyager barrel, this measures at 31.75mm which given the information on page 77 of the MBI book is correct has the barrel 3.15mm too long but this can be rectified when fitting the barrel to the kit gun.
To fit the barrel to the Tristar kit firstly cut the plastic barrel from part B-16, then drill a 2.5mm (7/64inch) hole just over 3mm into the breech, this is almost the same diameter as the plastic part so take care to drill perfectly evenly, note the drill will force out the plastic but this isn't a problem. Then drill a small 1.5mm hole for the barrel pin and slip the barrel into place test fitting the mantlet to leave the required 28.5mm barrel length exposed. The mantlet (part B-17) then slips neatly into place over the barrel with a very snug fit and the remainder of the kit is assembled as per instructions.
As with the previous set this has many of the finer details plus the full fenders
although these will need care when embossing the ribs and the rear engine intake
grill adds a nice touch with the alternate mesh provided.
The rear smoke grenade rack is quite detailed but previous experience working with etched parts would be helpful with the barrel also requiring a bit of work to get the correct length but overall the set will add some nice details to the Tristar kit.
The additional storage boxes for the Command Ausf.G adds to the usefulness of the set and as mentioned the separate tools could come in very handy.
Recommended 7/10.
Also see the review for set #PE 35112 Pz.Kpfw
38(t) Ausf.E/F
See the 38(t) Subject Page for
reviews of additional update sets for available 38(t) kits.
PRAGA LT vz.38 P zKpfw 38(t) MBI Publishing ISBN: 80-86524-01-9 |
PzKpfw 38(t) |
Pz.Kpfw 38(t)Ausf.A-D in detail Special Museum Line No.38 Wings & Wheels Publications ISBN 80-86416-58-5 |
PzKpfw 38(t) in action |
Ground Power Magazine #064 - 9/1999 Published by Delta Publishing Co.Ltd. Japan German Light Tank 38(t) |
Panzer Tracts No.21-1 Staende mit Pz.Kpfw.Tuermen Panzer Turrets on Concreteand Wood Stands Thomas L Jentz and Hilary Louis Doyle ISBN 0-9744862-6-4 |
Thanks to Voyager Models for the review set.
Page Created February 10, 2007