The set has 9 etched frets of different sizes and thickness and a sheet of photo film for the driver’s instrument panel, a short length of steel wire, a short length of plastic rod and 4 brass 20mm rounds, plus a 6 page instruction sheet.
One thing to note is the box top image shows brass fenders attached to the model photo but these are not included in this set and would have to be purchased separately as set #PE35202.
As with previous Voyager sets the quality of the etched parts is excellent with cleanly rendered details including raised and engraved detail plus the usual bending lines where needed as well as some extremely fine mesh for the exhaust shields and empty shell cage.
The lower gun base has a number of smaller detail parts added such as the lifting hooks, gunners’ seat details and very small butterfly latches and the small hand wheels. These unfortunately suffer from being flat one dimensional brass and lack definition but being so small may look okay once fitted.
Numerous details are added to the two gun supports with the ready magazine tray replaced with embossed brass, the gunner’s foot rests and pedals are in fine brass with the main gun sight having most of the kit detail replaced as well and other smaller brackets and details.
All the gun shields are provided in thicker etched plates with embossed river heads as well as additional small butterfly clips and attachment eyes and these completely replace the kit shields and are a marked improvement over the plastic kit shields in scale thickness.
Also included is fine mesh panels for the spent shell container and these again replace the kit etched parts for a finer appearance once assembled.
The flash suppressor on the 20mm barrel is in two small etched parts, the collar and the suppressor cone and these have to bent to shape before assembly and it’s best to anneal these by running through a candle flame to aid in the bending process.
You actually get two collar and cone parts which is good allowing for any disasters the first time around and using a drill bit shaft to bend these around will aid the process but fitting the collar and cone together will require care.
The end result will depend very much on the skill of the builder and maybe using one of the full metal replacement barrels would be a simpler option?
Moving to the hull the suspension channel in replaced with an etched part as well as all the equipment and tool clips in fine etched parts to replace the kit parts as well as rear hull plate details such as the tow pintle supports, tail light details and equipment brackets.
The large fold down fighting compartment side panels are replaced with etched items that have fairly deep tread plate patterns included and these come with support brackets with hinges that can be made workable allowing the platform to be shown raided or lowered.
For the exhausts the heat shield covers are in fine etched metal and again annealing these through a candle flame with make bending to shape a lot easier with these covers having finer mesh and other details than the etched kit parts making the upgrade worthwhile.
Finally there are numerous details for the trailer including the large fender storage box completely replaced in etched brass with workable lid hinges and additional small latches allow this to be shown open or closed as you wish.
The two magazine boxes on the inside of the fenders area also replaced with etched items again with workable hinges to show open or closed and there is the etched magazines to add if showing them open?
These are the usual exploded view drawings that are fairly easy to follow but strangely the driver’s instrument panel doesn’t get a mention, this is in two parts, the etched panel (part G43) and the photo film dials and these replace the kit instrument panel.
This is fairly comprehensive update set for the Dragon Flakpanzer kit that has most of the obvious improvements included as well as some additional parts and will improve the finer detail definition of the kit.
There are not a lot of modifications required on the kit making this a quite straightforward update but some will need additional care such as the barrel flash suppressor and the inclusion of the etched magazines and ammo boxes is a nice bonus.
Highly recommended 7.5/10
See the Panzer I Subject Page for additional reviews.