Voyager Models recently released this detail set for Trumpeters E-100 tank, where comparisons can be made between this release and Voyagers PE35253 for Dragons E-100 kit it is important to note that Trumpeters E-100 is the fictional Ausf B vehicle which had a turret much like an enlarged version of the King Tiger Turret with similar style hatch set up where the Dragon Vehicle is the Ausf A variant of the E-100 with Maus turret.
The box is full of a mixture of media. There are 12 crisply detailed resin parts, 4 etched brass frets, a brass pipe, A length of delicate brass chain, 14 precut brass pins, some 2mm, 1mm, and .5mm plastic rod , a piece of silver wire for hinges and 2 x 10cm lengths of .5mm copper wire.
The Bosch headlight is refined with a new resin base and with some additional PE it is significantly more detailed.
The Trumpeter kit has a full compliment of pioneer tools, an axe, a shovel, sledgehammer, starter crank, crowbars, wire cutter, and fire extinguisher which are all updated with new tool fittings in PE.
The Trumpeter PE for the engine deck air intakes and fans is replaced with the more delicate etching provided in the Voyager set. All of the engine fan covers lifting hooks are replaced with more delicate etch and the engine access panel lift hooks are provided in resin.
Voyager adds armored covers for the air intakes, a feature typical of late war panzers. Interestingly Voyager also has an optional Star antenna in PE and armored aerial pot in resin to make a command variant of the tank as well as the case where the stowed mast was stored , the mounting position of which is subjective but the suggested position fits the “standard” stowage concepts for German armored vehicles of the era.
Voyager also provide a Panther style cleaning rod case, the end caps and the mounting clamps for which will need to be heated over a candle to soften the brass and bend to shape, the brass tube which is the stowage tube is ideal to bend these parts to size. Remember to bend these parts prior to assembling the tube. The stowage location suggested in the Voyager instructions along the rear edge of the engine deck seems likely too. The late model Panthers and Jagdpanther had similar placement of the same item.
The rear hull gets a new light and reflector as well as improved lifting lugs on the armored exhaust, greatly improving the kit parts. Also on the hull rear is a stowage box similar to the style used on IR equipped panthers housing a battery power supply for the IR equipment is also provided in etch complete with hinges and padlock.
Onto the Turret , Voyager replace the Loaders rectangular hatch with a new resin part with detailed locking mechanism on the interior and with some photo etched details is a far superior addition to the base kit.
The commanders’ hatch has new internal and external locking mechanism. A new IR set is made up of four resin pieces plus some etch and Copper wire locking levers and cables as well as a resin armored cable cover in front of the Cupola.
Finally a delicate piece of chain is provided to upgrade the rear turret escape hatch and a photo etch front to the rain guard on the gun mantlet.
![Voyager Models](images/vm_pe35245_01.jpg)
Resin parts
![Voyager Models](images/vm_pe35245_02.jpg)
Of course the Trumpeter kit of an E-100 Ausf B never existed, so what is and isn’t included in the base kit is subjective. The Voyager set includes details for items plus an alternative for other items that almost positively been included had the vehicle ever made it to battle. These items enhance the appearance of what an E-100 Ausf B may have looked like if it would have seen action.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to Voyager
Models for the review set.
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