Voyager Models recently released this detail set for Dragons kit of the E-100 Super Heavy Tank; this set is compatible with Dragons first release #6011 or the recent re release #6011x with night vision equipment and “nachtjager” figure kit. The set is not overly complex but offers some interesting details.
In the box we find a mixture of media. There are 9 crisply detailed resin parts, 4 etched brass frets, a brass pipe, 14 precut brass pins, some 2mm, 1mm, and .5mm Plastic rod , some .5mm copper wire and some .3mm steel wire for hinges.
The set has some subjective details being that only one E-100 hull was ever built & no completed vehicle was ever made, the details whilst not being accurate are well thought out and fit the trends of tool stowage of late war German armor.
Four of the resin parts are for the IR vision equipment and with some copper wire power cables and locking leavers and some PE details an accurate replica of the array used on Panthers near the end of the war. The IR set whilst only providing illumination for the commander is far more accurate than the simplified Commanders and Loaders sets provided in the Dragon kit 6011x.
Moving to the engine deck a full set of screens for the fans & air intakes are provided with fine detail, there are engine screens provided in the Dragon kit 6011x, the Dragon screens are different to the Voyager ones so rather than comparing which is better it is better to say you have a choice of styles.
There is recommended tool stowage with fittings and tool clamps for crank, crowbar, bolt cutter, fire extinguisher, axe, sledge hammer and shovel. None of the tools are provided with the E-100 so these will have to be sourced from either the Tamiya on vehicle tool set or one of the new CyberHobby tool sets, of course most modelers will have some of Dragons tool sets in the spares box as some of their kits have the trend of supplying tools with & without molded on tool clamps.
I would advise modelers to feel free about the placement of such tools as the Voyager kit can only “suggest” placement. The late war trend was to stow all tools on upper surfaces of the engine deck & near the drivers & radio operators’ hatches to avoid inadvertently knocking them off. Remember to check the placement would not hinder the turret from turning.
Voyager also provides a Panther style gun cleaning rod stowage tube, the end caps and the mounting clamps for which will need to be heated over a candle to soften the brass and bend to shape, the brass tube which is the stowage tube is ideal to bend these parts to size so remember to bend these parts prior to assembling the tube. The stowage location suggested in the Voyager instructions along the rear edge of the engine deck is identical to the late model Panthers and Jagdpanther placement of the same item.
Voyager provide four metal covers for the engine ducts as again was the case for late war vehicles, with fourteen brass pins to space these away from the engine screens. New finer PE lifting hooks for the fan covers replace the plastic parts & four resin hooks are provided for the engine deck, these parts not being present on the Dragon kit.
The rear hull has a light fitting omitted by Dragon as well as a reflector. The exhaust armored covers have Tiger style lifting lugs added also. A stowage box similar to the style used on IR equipped Panthers housing a battery power supply for the IR equipment is also provided in etch complete with hinges & padlock.
Rounding off the set is a new mounting for the Bosch headlight with details to improve this area of the kit.
Resin parts
The Dragon kit is sparse of any tool stowage, as the E-100 is a ‘what if?’ kit of a paper panzer it is only natural that modelers will want to model a distinctive late war type battle appearance , the Voyager set provides details of what a late war E-100 might have looked like in battle configuration.
Highly recommended.
Thanks to Voyager
Models for the review set.
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