WW2 Productions
Pz.II (2cm) "Luchs"
Track Set

1/35 Set No. 35010
Review by Terry Ashley

TascaThis new set from WWII Productions is designed for the excellent Tasca Pz.Kpfw.II "Luchs" kit and addresses about the only part of the kit that really needs attention, the tracks. Cast in the usual light grey resin the set consists of approximately 210 track links.

The Track Links:
These have excellent detail on the track face as well as superb detail on the end connectors that really stand out when the tracks are assembled as well as the indentations on the track guide teeth. The only cleanup needed is to open up the small hole in the centre of each link that only needs a quick pass with a sharp x-acto #11 blade and its done.

Again the big plus with these tracks is the simple click together assembly; each link has a large and small pin and you simply slip the large pin into the next link and then clip the small pin into place. It is advisable to clip the link by pressing down over the pin as any slight 'nick' will not be in the direction of the assembled track therefore lessening the chance of them coming apart once the full track length is assembled.

The WWII Prod and Tasca Kit track lengths
WW2 Productions
Link details
WW2 Productions
Assembled tracks around 'Luchs' drive sprocket.
Note excellent end pin detail (same on both sides).
WW2 Productions
Assembley of tracks links
WW2 ProductionsWW2 ProductionsWW2 Productions

The Instructions:
A single double sided A4 page is included which includes general instructions as well as specific instructions for assembling the links.

Another excellent and well detailed set of track links that will look impressive and are a big improvement over the vinyl tracks in the "Luchs" kit and the simplicity of assembly is again noteworthy.

Page Created 30 March 2004

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