105mm Howitzer M2A1 & Carriage M2A2
1:35 Kit Comparison
kit #AF35182 - kit #6531
Review by Terry Ashley
The top recuperator cylinder (part B23) and recoil cylinders (parts D2) are added to the first of the three large sleigh brackets (part B14) and care is needed when trapping the recoil piston between the cylinder halves if you want this to be movable?
The cylinders are then fed through the middle sleigh bracket (part B15) and glued to the rear sleigh bracket (part B16) but you shouldn’t glue the middle bracket at this stage until the two side sleigh frames (parts B27, B30) are attached to ensure the assembly is aligned correctly and not twisted on it’s axis, there is a small etched data plate added to the left sleigh frame for added detail.
The full barrel tube is in aluminium with two part plastic collar added mid tube and these need to be fitted as snugly as possible around the barrel, the muzzle is hollowed out but the rifling included is just some parallel scratches that don’t look much like rifling at all unfortunately, this is surprising given the superb rifling included in the recent sIG.33 barrel tube from AFV Club.
The barrel slips through the three sleigh brackets with the plastic collar nesting into the first bracket and while the fit is good the edges of the bracket openings may need to be smoothed to take away the sharp lip for easier fitting. Note; the breech shouldn’t be attached to the barrel tube until the sleigh assembly is fitted to the carriage slide. The only issues here are the three sleigh brackets are slightly too tall by about 0.75mm which results in the gap between the barrel tube and top recuperator cylinder being more than it should. While this is less than 1mm the visual effect seems a little more pronounced on the final assembly.
The breech ring is in two parts with a barrel mounting collar trapped between them with the fit of the breech halves being very good resulting in just a small join seam to be eliminated. The two part breech block can be shown in the open or closed position but remember to position the separate breech locking handle correspondingly in the open or closed position. There is also a small locking pin on the end of the breech block (part B2) that should also be positioned differently depending on the state of the breech block.
There is a very small and I mean small round attachment bolt (part B1) added to the top of the breech which will need extreme care both removing from the sprue and attaching to the breech, the bracket (part C15) shown attached to the breech top shouldn’t be fitted as this is only used with the ranging cal.50 MG, more on this below.
When fitting the sleigh/barrel assembly onto the lower cradle it is best to glue the recoil cylinder piston to the front carriage bracket (part B25) and let dry before as this will make things easier. The sleigh fits neatly over the carriage slide with the front bracket glued to the front of the carriage and breech then attached to the barrel without any problems.
The sights are made up of multiple parts resulting in very good detail definition but they need care as some of the parts are quite small, there are also some alternate parts for the range telescope. The left side Telescope Mount M21 includes the Panoramic Telescope M12A2 with the right side Range Quadrant M4 has the Telescope Mount M23, for those technically minded.
The Range Quadrant is attached to the elevation wheel mount with connecting rods and gluing this to the carriage is rather tricky as it fits very close to the gun breech/barrel slide and very easy to glue this in the process. If you don’t plan on moving the gun breech/barrel slide then this isn’t a problem and you just glue away.
(Step 1,2) The entire barrel/sleigh/recoil mechanism assembly is moulded in one single large part that includes the top recuperator cylinder, the barrel tube, sleigh brackets and lower cradle with just the side slide brackets, metal muzzle barrel section and breech as separate parts. While this makes assembly very simple as there isn’t much at all it also results in more detail simplification resulting in a very basic assembly if detail is of any concern?
The main issues are:
- The detail on the recuperator cylinder front head is simplified
- The length of the head is too long and the raised notches around the front of the recuperator cylinder are missing.
- The reinforcing ridges are missing from the central and rear sleigh supports.
- The lower recoil cylinder is missing altogether. Note the recoil cylinder is hidden inside the cradle in firing mode, so if not showing the gun in recoil isn't really an issue.
The breech ring is split vertically in the conventional manner that again results in the join seam needing to be eliminated which is a little tricky around the rear contours. The most notable feature of the breech is the breech block actuating lever is moulded closed with the breech, this means you can’t accurately show the breech block open as the lever would then need to swing out accordingly. The lever sits into an indentation on the side of the breech and would need quite a bit of work if you wanted to accurately show the lever open along with the breech block.
Detail on the breech block is a little basic in any case and would need some work if shown open so maybe easier to leave in the closed position?
As mentioned the whole barrel/recoil assembly is designed to just glue into the gun cradle but you may want to leave this separate to aid in painting as it can be added at any time.
The left side Telescope Mount M21 and right side Range Quadrant M4 are made up of multiple parts for good detail definition but some of the detail is a little undersized such as the eye pieces and control knobs but otherwise serve their purpose adequately.
Barrel and sleigh parts. The separate AFV Club parts require more assembly than the single large DML mouldings
but the difference in details equates to the assembly required as shown below.
Breech parts The design of the DML breech leaves the central join seam to be eliminated while the one piece AFV Club breech results in a much cleaner breech.
Assembled breech
Note the separate AFV Club operating lever while the DML lever is fixed meaning you can only depict the breechblock in the closed position correctly.
Assembled barrel, recoil mechanism and sleigh showing the most issues with the DML assembly.
1. Better defined detail on the AFV Club recuperator cylinder front head.
2. Notches on the recuperator cylinder missing and the cylinder front head too long on the DML part.
3. Reinforcing ridges missing from the DML sleigh supports.
4. The recoil cylinder missing altogether on the DML assembly
(note the recoil cylinder is hidden inside the cradle in firing mode, so if not showing the gun in recoil isn't really an issue).
5. The AFV Club kit provides etched data block for the sleigh housing for added detail.
Reference image from the Tankograd Tech Manual No.6016 listed showing details as indicated.
6. The gap between barrel tube and recuperator cylinder is about 0.75mm too much on the AFV Club assembly due to the sleigh supports being
the same amount too tall, this also sees a larger gap between the middle sleigh support and barrel tube than should be.
7. The barrel rifling on the AFV Club barrel is poorly done and far better depicted on the DML barrel.
Additional images of the AFV Club barrel, recoil mechanism and sleigh assembly not required on DML kit due to it being moulded in one piece,
resulting in the detail issues as above.
Assembled Breech added to the assemblies, note the issues as mentioned above from the other side.
Carriage/sleigh details.
1. The AFV Club carriage has the actual sleigh slide strip and 2. the attachment brackets allowing authentic sleigh recoil action.
The DML carriage just has recesses simulating the sleigh slide strip and no attachment brackets meaning you just have to glue the sleigh to the carriage.
3. Better defined detail on the AFV Club recuperated cylinder front head.
4. The recoil cylinder missing altogether on the DML assembly
(note the recoil cylinder is hidden inside the cradle in firing mode, so if not showing the gun in recoil isn't really an issue).
M21 Telescope mount parts (left) and M4 Range Quadrant parts (right)
Assembled sights, note both are well done but details better defined on the AFV Club parts (eye pieces and smaller knobs etc.).
Sight attached to the respective carriages, note care is needed when gluing on both kits if you want the gun to still elevate.
Also note the numerous detail issues mentioned throughout the review
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