(Half Round Heads)
1/35 Kit #35007
Review by Terry Ashley


Cast in the same excellent resin as the previous sets there are 360 rivets included in 6 different sizes.

They are (rivet head diameter) 1.5mm, 1.3mm, 1.1mm, 0.9mm, 0.7mm and 0.5mm.

Each rivet is cast on a small stem which can be used when fitting the rivets. The rivets below 1.0mm are very small (obviously) and you’ll have to get out the tweezers and magnifying glasses when using these unless you want to go blind trying to see them.

Two methods of application are shown on the small instruction sheet, one being to cut the rivet head from its stem and sticking onto the model with super glue. The other is to drill small holes and insert the stem still attached to the rivet head. Which ever method you choose is up to you as both would work well, the only drawback with drilling the holes is getting them lined up and spaced correctly.

I can see many uses for these rivets, hopefully Calibre35 will follow with various bolt heads also as they are a lot cheaper than getting a punch and die set.


Page Created 11 July 2002

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