Fenders and overall fit
The left image shows the straight locating ridge on the hull side while the right image shows the fenders attached, also
perfectly straight as per the review and any kink will have to be added manually by altering the kit parts.
Also note the gap between the fenders and the upper engine intake on the kit and the photos as these show the gap is
even with the fender on the actual vehicle with the kink starting level with the end of the intake yet the
kit gap is narrower
due to the lack of kink.
Images showing solid drive sprockets and fender kink
also note the spacing on the barrel travel lock as per review
Iimages courtesy Ground Power Magazine
Images showing the overall good fit of the major hull components.
If you plan to glue the engine deck hatches closed it is easier to glue the four hatches
together using plastic strip before adding the the kit to keep them in place.