Kit No. 6092
1/35th Scale
Turret detail images
View of the gun breech and L-11 gun mount fitted to front turret section.
Turret hatch inside and out, minor pin marks on the inside requiring cleanup.
Hatch after attaching
periscope and small fittings, note the pins marks eliminated.
Turret roof with ventilator cover, sight cover and lifting eye attached.
Assembled turret. Note that the turret front (part H1) and turret sides
(parts G4,G5) plus the roof
panel (part B12) are still only dry fitted as is the top hatch, this shows
the good fit of parts.
The gun mantlet is made up of three parts with good fit but note that the seam
line between the two rear parts (H3, H4)
and the front
of the mantlet (part H5) should actually be there and not eliminated as in the
A case of acting before checking references on my part.
The three lifting eyes are also very
fine for a good scale appearance and the separate
hatch periscope
is made up of three parts.
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